I Was Always With You

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'Henry?' Teddy stated in astonishment while staring into her dead husband's eyes. He looked exactly the same as the last time she saw him- nearly 8 years ago. Even his hair was as neat as it was. So much confusion circled in her head. She didn't know where she was, looking around she realised she was in an OR but it was empty. No people, no equipment just an OR table and lights. Looking more closely at the wall, she saw a sign.

Seattle Grace Mercy West.

'Where am I?' She whispered looking at Henry. He wore a white polar shirt and white pants but his surprisingly his skin looked healthy- even tanned. He looked healthy. He looked happy. He looked finally at rest. 'What's happening?'

Henry smiled and gave out a small laugh.

'Do you not know where we are?' He questioned Teddy.

'It looks like I'm in OR 3 from before I left for MedCon. I'm mean they've re-painted the walls and installed a new table now. But I haven't been in here since...'

'Since I died.' Henry finished giving a little sad simile.

'Why am I here Henry?' Teddy whispered while moving closer to him until they were both nearly face to face.

'Because you've a mess. I have watched over you ever since I died. Hoping you'd find happiness and trying to guide you to it. I was there when you got head of MedCom, I was there when you got to together with Owen when Alison was born and I was there when Owen heard that voicemail.'

'You've been watching over my like some sort of spirit?'

'Well that's for you to decide really.'

'Okay, so what do you want to say to me. What big speech do you want to give to me about how I messed up my life, how I let my daughter down and lost the only family I had.' Teddy announced while working over to sit onto the the cold metal OR table and gestured Henry to join her. 'I would do anything to turn back time.

'No, I'm not going to lecture to you because Teddy I know you are a kind, selfless and generous person who always puts people first. So I think you can give yourself that speech. I want to see how you're doing?' He explained while coming to sit next to Teddy on the OR table.

'Well on paper I should be the happiest I've ever been, so much has happened over the last 9 months and basically I got an instant family over night. I now have two kids- something that we never got to have.' She spoke while looking at Henry quite gloomily.

'Well you married the dead man.' Henry laughed well Teddy just sat there awkwardly.

'That didn't mean I loved you any less. When you died, I didn't know how to live.'

'I know.' Henry said quite melancholy. 'Sometimes I wonder, that if I had medical insurance it would save you from all that pain.'

'You bought me a lot more joy than pain.' She smiled while reaching out to hold his hand. 'You were my best friend.'

'So was Owen. Owen was your best friend for a long time as well and I know you have loved him since you first met each other. I know you also loved Alison and she died as well. Just because me and Alison died doesn't mean Owen will go away. I think that's what you need to realise that you don't have to be scared of love. Owen is never going to go away, because you both have Allison but it's up to you if you really want to fight to have a romantic relationship with him. But if you think you can't get passed this then maybe be Tom is right for you. Tom loves you and he cares about you and he will support you. However you will never be able to get rid of Owen..'

'Why are you only just talking to me now? Why didn't you do this weeks ago when Owen heard the voicemail or before I slept with Tom and ended up in another love triangle.' Teddy questioned him while Henry was starting to get paler and paler. It was like he was slipping away.

'Because you're in a coma now.'


I know it's a short chapter but I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger!

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