Nothing is Ever Right

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Hours passed since Teddy made it out of surgery. It had been dark outside for quite a few hours now and Owen's mom had long ago picked the kids up from daycare and taken them home while promising to Owen she would be back first thing tomorrow.

Owen was still sat in the attendings lounge in shock. Doctors and nurses kept checking in on him making sure he was okay while he sat there looking lost on the sofa. Looking at his watch he saw the time. 23:17. He'd hadn't left the hospital for nearly 24 hours now and he was starting to tell how tired he was. Not even having enough energy to go to an on call room he curled up on the sofa he'd been sat on and closed his eyes desperately trying to forget about Teddy.

Only a few minutes had passed when he heard   a female voice calling his name.

'Owen! Owen! Wake up!' They called getting increasingly louder causing Owen to open his eyes to see an annoyed but tired looking red headed women in jeans and a causal green checkered shirt.

'Megan?' He sleeplily replied. 'What are you doing here? I thought your flight was tomorrow?'

'I managed to get a last minute flight this evening and mom said you were still here.' She more calmly said while sitting down next to her brother. 'But Owen why aren't you with Teddy now? Why are you here while she is all alone in the ICU? And don't even say she has nurses with her as you know that is not what I mean?' Megan questioned while starting to raise her voice again.

'Megan don't you realise what she's done?' Owen fired back while sitting to give his sister an angry look.

'Yes! I know what's she done. But she is still your fiancé. She is still the mother of your children!' Megan argued back. 'Owen, she's alone, she's only just stable according to the nurse and we don't even know if she will wake up so just for tonight can you forgot what she's done?' Megan whispered giving Owen an empathetic look.

'I don't what to do, Meg.' He whispered while looking up at his sister.


Meanwhile Tom was just walking into the ICU. He then hid  behind a curtain as he looked around for Teddy. She was the 3rd room closest to him on the right. She was alone. He gave a sigh of relief that Hunt wasn't there but then felt sad that she'd been left all alone when she was at her most vulnerable state.

Sneaking forward, he saw the main night nurse. At least she was one of nicer ones he thought. Looking at her, he gave a small forced smile to acknowledge that he knew he wasn't family and that he shouldn't be here. Even though he wished more than anything that he was Teddy's family

'5 minutes.' The night nurse whispered while rolling her eyes. He knew that she knew about the rumours about him and Teddy.

Slowly he opened the glass sliding door into Teddy's room and pulled the chair at the end of the room next to Teddy's bed and sat down.

She was incubated and had a massive padded white bandage on her head. Despite that her long blonde locks still looked untouched.

'Please Teddy, please wake up. I know you are such a strong fighter.' He whispered nearly begging while holding her hands. 'Please Teddy.'

He looked at her. She looked so peaceful despite all the wires and tubes coming out of and the massive bruise on her face which was partially covered by the bandage.

His focus was then disturbed by a cough. He looked up to see the night nurse indicating him to go.

'I love you.' He whispered squeezing her hand then letting go. He walked out of the room practically ignoring the nurse and just focusing on Teddy.


'Owen, speak to me.' Megan begged while reaching out to hold his face. 'Don't internalise you're thoughts, just speak to me.'

'You know what I'm going to the ICU to be with her because she deserves not to be alone. She's the closest thing I have to a sister so I'm going to be there for her.' Megan announced while standing up and turning around to her brother.

'Megan sit down.' He shouted grabbing his sister complete attention. 'I don't know what to say to her when she wakes up. If she wakes up. We've barely been on speaking terms after what she did and I don't know what to do about it? I mean we were only staying together in the house for Leo's and Allison's sake. I can't just pretend everything is perfect!'

'Do you want to make it work?' Megan asked sincerely.

'I don't know how to get pass this. I don't get why she did- that's not Teddy. She's always been the calm in the storm. She really messed up and hurt me and a part of me wants to forgive her and move on but I don't know how.'

Megan sighed looking up at her brother.

'You left Beth with a 2 line email. You had a shotgun wedding with Cristina, you then slept with a random person at a bar and then went back to Cristina. Then you ultimately broke up with Cristina as she didn't want kids and then played around with Emma a bit. You then went back to Cristina and then she went to Switzerland so you then got together with Amelia. Who your relationship was so on and off and your marriage lasted only months all centred again around that she didn't want kids. Sounds a bit like deja vu to be honest.' Megan spoke nearly ranting while Owen just looked at her in disbelief.

'They weren't perfect women either, it's not all my fault.' He gave Megan an defensive look but she just ignored him.

'During that marriage you kissed Teddy and when the marriage was over you still slept with Amelia -24 hours later you then went to sleep with Teddy. And when Teddy comes back to Seattle you start playing happy families with your ex. Yes Owen, Teddy's not perfect but can't you see she's loved you since Iraq and yet she's always up till now been second best. Your love life honestly has been a bit of a mess yet she took on all that baggage. She loves you Owen. She made a mistake and she will spent the rest of her life trying  to make that up to you. But you have to be aware that if she does wake up, she me not want to see you straight away.'

Owen sat there silent just thinking about what his sister had just said while deciding what he should do next.

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