Lost and Broken

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Owen sat on the supply closet. He'd refused to let Jackson help him, it's not like anything he could do would relieve any of the pain he was in. The pain that knowing how broken his relationship was but yet the person who used to be the love of his life was on deaths door. She was the mother of her child, he used to love her so much. He still did. He released that this was the supply room where he heard the voicemail and couldn't help but to think back to that night......

His phone vibrated. The fifth missed call from his mom. He just released that Teddy had probably found out the wedding was off. Not that he actually cared about how devastated she was as he was just in too much pain. He was just in sheer disbelief of the whole situation. How could she do this? This was not Teddy. The Teddy he knew was the most kind and caring, selfless person. She gave up her successful career to come to Seattle so they could raise their child together. She was always his first call when he did something amazing in surgery or when something awful had happened. This year he'd been so through so much pain and trauma and finally realised he deserved happiness. He thought he was always meant to be with Teddy and it took them both a hell of a long time to realise this but know he wasn't so sure. Now when he had everything he wanted, a dream job, children and a women he wanted to spent the rest of his life with, he'd lost it all. He was drowning in his thoughts, although his body was exhausted his mind was still racing. He felt humiliated, betrayed, angry and sad because he loved Teddy and couldn't understand why she would do this? This was not Teddy.

By some miracle he finally fell asleep but woke up to now 8 missed calls from his mom and 17 from Megan. He stared at his phone and ignoring all the countless texts, hoping they would just go away but he knew he would eventually have to face the music.


He was deep in thought driving home, rehearsing over and over in his head what he was going to say in his head. Would he and Teddy get through this? He now knew she must have some sort of explanation to all of this or he hoped anyway.

A few minutes later, he arrived home. It was only 12am and despite that it felt like he's been away from home for weeks. Scanning the drive, he saw his mom's car and also Megan's. Staring at the car he, suddenly he realised that Megan was going to surprise them by coming to the wedding- after saying she couldn't get flights so short notices she must of driven all the way here. That explained why she'd rung him so many times. His thoughts were interrupted by realising that Teddy's car was gone. Panic struck him, did Teddy go off with Tom? The thought hurt. Quickly, he rushed inside.

'Owen!' Megan exclaimed. 'Where have you been?'

Evelyn looked and him as well hoping for some sort of explanation.

'Where's Teddy?' He asked calmly in response.

'She left a note on your bed.' Evelyn whispered while he dashes into his room to get it.

He stood there staring at it in disbelief.

I'm so sorry, I don't even know how to explain my action. I'm sorry I've let you, Alison and Leo down so much and you must be hurting so badly. I've packed enough clothes for about a week and I've gone to stay in a hotel near by. I'm so sorry again - I love you but those words I know will be meaningless now.

Owen continued to stare at the partly smudged scrawly written note- it was obvious she was crying when she wrote it. In a way it hurt him to see how much pain she was in.

'Owen?' A calm concerned voiced called from the door.

He turned around to see his mom.

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