Chapter 1

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Astralight was staring through the crystal mirror that allowed to to see the world outside of the Allspark, and she was sad from what she kept seeing.

Her home, her world was dead, empty. And all that remained were scraplets and some Insecticons. Shockwave has long left with his pedacon that he recreated.

Novalight walked in, her red dress shone in the light the sparks and crystals gave. Their father was tired and weak. To weak to help their planet. He wanted to do something to help the planet thrive again but he just didn't have the energy. Most of everyone that prayed to him was dead. Others forgot him. He spent his time watching over the dead. Trying to grant their wish of life being able to walk.

Astralight held one spark in her arms. Her green optics shined brightly as she switched from looking over Cybertron to space. The spark in her arms pulsed strongly gaining her attention.

"What is it buddy?" She asked softly.

"I can gander a guess....he has a friend more like a lover back on earth where the war has gone to. He misses his small mech friend" Novalight said coming over sitting on a crystal.

"Oh....well hopefully the war ends soon and he can come home where you can visit him sometime" Astralight smiled weakly.

"I don't think he wants to just visit him while dead sis, we are techno organics, we can do something about this war, we can end it for him" Novalight said.

"How? We are millions of miles away from Earth, how would we get there to end it with no means of transportation?" Astralight asked.

"We can teleport you know, and while we are talking about it...we do have special abilities, we can give him his life back" Novalight said pointing at the spark in her twins arms.

"......yeah..let's do it, I do hope you are telling father this plan of yours" Astralight said.

"Already have we just have to tell him when we are leaving" she said.

"Ok then, we go tomorrow" Astralight smiled.

"Great, now give me him, father wants him for something, he allowed us one to bring with us and I picked him" Novalight stated taking the spark.

"Be gentle with him, remember he's jumpy since he was murdered by that spider!" Astralight yelled.

(Grand room)

"Ah Novalight, good you brought the wrecker, now my child....I'm giving you your life back, I want you to help care for my daughters and help end this war, you will listen to whoever goes to the Decepticons and if you shall engage in a fight and the other is there you will protect both femmes" Primus said.

"And please don't let Unicron near them, don't let them get near the dark energon...." the godly lord said lifting the spark up.

As the spark floated in front of the god. A frame started to form around him. His frame, it looked as if he never got in a fight with Airachnid. He was set gently down and he had to feel his face.

"My's back" he said.

"Of course it is, look who gave you life again" Novalight smiled.

Astralight came in and gasped running up to the mech she hugged his pede. Primus picked her up along with her twin. And held them up to his face.

"Have you both decided?" He asked.

"Yes...we leave tomorrow" Novalight said.

"That is fine....who is going to which side?" He asked.

"I'm going to the Decepticons father, I know I can deal with them" Novalight said.

"I'll go the autobots" Astralight smiled sitting neatly in her fathers hand.

"A fine plan...I wish you both the best of luck. I shall send you both there tonight, I'll hide you three in a cave for the mean time hiding your signals, either of you femmes can remove the seal at any time" Primus said.

"Thank you father" the girls said in union.

"I'll take care of them my lord" the wrecker said.

"Good, now go" Primus smiled covering them with a light.

Once the light died down, Primus was the only one in the grand room with the sparks floating around him. Crystal mirrors lit up around him showing him both fractions and sometimes switching to watch both leaders.

"I do hope Megatron will listen and do what he is told, I know Novalight will hold her ground with him" he said with a sight smile.

"Now now Skyquake, settle yourself. Your brother will be fine I'm sure....I wish I could send you back to but, your body is in a place I have no power, under my brothers control" he frowned.

Another spark a blue one came up to them and nuzzled the lords cheek. Making the god chuckle as he held the blue spark in his servo.

"Yes Cliffjumper I know, Arcee will be a little difficult to accept the change, and have a hard time dealing with the Decepticons if they do listen to Novalight" he said.

"But she has to learn to let go...perhaps you both should pay them a special visit in their dreams and talk to them, help both my daughters out a bit with the difficult ones" Primus smiled as both sparks flew off.


The big blue mech looked around and stumbled a bit, having been dead for some time he forgot what it was like to be in a body.

Astralight smiled let her power flow through him to help regain some senses, he smiled at the white femme and sat them both on a rock. He looked around the again and sat down on a big boulder.

"Get some rest, I'm surprised father sent us now" Astralight said.

"I think he grew just as tired as we looking at a dead planet" Novalight frowned.

"Maybe...night Nova....night Breakdown" Astralight said laying down.

"Night Astra...night mech" Novalight yawned laying beside her twin.

Breakdown grunted as he watched the cave tunnel, to make sure no con or Autobot came in before they were ready to go. Or any humans came by looking for shelter if our and about, if humans did show up he would have to transform.

"Do I have my alt still?" He asked.

"Of course silly...father gave you your body as it was before you died, you have everything before you went on that mission and you will of course have the memories of dying but your body is in the shape before leaving the nemesis" Astralight answered with a yawn.

".....I owe you two and your father so much for this gift, heh Knockout will have a field day when he sees me" Breakdown smiled.

"We will deal with it later Breaks, promise" Novalight sighed.

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