Chapter 28

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One year later...

It's been a year since my brother's wedding and things haven't changed that much. It's okay that he no longer lives there at the institute as before, but we see each other every day, because he has obligations inside, being the head of the Brooklyn institute.

Izzy sent us a message to go to the institute earlier because it had news and it wasn't very good. Someone was kidnapping and murdering downworlders. It seems that they had developed a formula based on Heavenly Fire.

Night shift personnel had been investigating these abductions and deaths for the past two night and finally found a place, which was an abandoned warehouse, where they thought it was the operations center of the people who was using the formula to destroy the downworlder community.

I insisted that Simon did not go because it was extremely dangerous but he did not listen to me and came with us anyway. He and Izzy stood guard, in case anyone else showed up while the rest entered the warehouse and arrested whoever was involved in making and using the formula.

There was not much to learn inside, just a few laboratory instruments but there was no one inside, which meant that in the next few hours, another downworlder will die.

- Jace you have to go outside, we have problems, - said Izzy, using the ring that the Seelies use to communicate with each other when they want privacy. Basically the ring is invisible and the conversation is telepathically.

- Look, look who decided to show up. Good eyes see you, blondie.

- Listen, shouldn't you be locked up?

- Maybe, but I managed to get out of my punishment earlier and now I'm finally going to get what I want, - she said, bringing Simon even closer to his edge.


The mission was dangerous because I could seriously hurt myself this time but I didn't want to know, I want to help my friends and save the entire downworlder community. While Izzy and I stayed outside to see if anyone came, the rest went inside to apprehend material and people who were there, but unfortunately from what Izzy told me, there was no one inside so we had to be even more careful.

Everything was quiet, no one was coming until I feel something grabbing me from behind. I still managed to turn around and see who it was and I didn't even want to believe the person I saw.

I looked at Izzy and knew that she had told Jace to come out quickly as all help was needed at this point.

- Hello my love, did you miss me?

- Heidi what are you doing here?

- I came to get you my love.

"Listen, aren't you supposed to be locked up?" Asked Jace as soon as he saw she was here.

- I left early for good behavior and now I can finally have what I want.

- Oh please, here we go again. Listen here sharp teeth, you don't see that he is not going anywhere with you .... I thought you got the message but it seems that you're a little slow.

- What I realized is that Simon was confused but you had time to think about me, Sy! Did you miss me?

- No, not at all.- I replied looking at my friends.

- Simon, this is your opportunity to start again with a person who loves you for the real you.

- But he's already with someone who really loves him, so he doesn't need you.

- Ah yes? And who? That little red one that broke his heart? You? What do you care more about how you look than about other people's feelings? Don't make me laugh, blondie. Everyone knows that I am the only one who truly loves him. Simon, come with me!

- I'm not going anywhere, Heidi, you have to realize that I don't like and I won't like you. I'm already in a relationship and I'm happy.

- Very well, I did not want to reach this, but you did not leave me any option, Simon either stay with me or do not stay with anyone.- she said pointing a gun at me.

- Heidi what are you doing, you know that ....

- Yes, that normal bullets do not kill you, but these are special and I had them made just for you my love.

"Specials like...?" Asked Izzy, as confused as I was.

- They have a very interesting component, Heavenly Fire! Did you know that it kills demonic beings?

Okay, the situation was ridiculous, but it just leveled up and now we were all worried. Like it or not, my destiny was in her hands and there was nothing anyone could do. She has great instincts and can predict any surprise attack that someone plans to make.

"Okay, let's all hang out and think about what we're going to do next," suggested Alec but Heidi just laughed.

- I'm very calm, Shadowhunter. The only person who can end this is Simon. Simon, dear, think about what you are going to do, are you really willing to sacrifice your life for a relationship that you don't even know if it have a future?

I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to die but I also don't want to be with her. I had to make a decision and as much as it cost me, I could not live sad all eternity, I would rather die than be with her.

- Very well, I'll stay with you.- I said looking at Jace and only then at her.

"Really?" They asked at the same time.

- Yes, but first you have to let me say goodbye to my friends and Jace. Only then will I go with you.

- If that's what you want, of course I will my love.

I said goodbye to Izzy first, then Clary and when I got to Alec's side, I hugged him and said:

- I need you to do me a huge favor.

"Sure, anything," replied Alec.

- When I'm going to the edge of her, I want you to hit me with one of your arrows. Please promise you will!

- But Simon, without human blood you will not recover and if we do not give you blood to drink quickly, you will end up dying.

- I know that! Just promise me!

"I promise!" Exclaimed Alec and a tear fell from my eye.

- I love you so much, never forget that.-  I said hugging Jace.

- Give me a good reason to let you go? I don't want to let you go.

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