3: An Unplanned Meeting

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[MyungHee's POV]

Its him again, why is he here isn't the event over.

"I'm so sorry, I should have watched where I was going" I frantically said holding my hand out to him "Are you okay". He nodded, grabing my hand. I tried to help him up but me being a 160cm tall girl it didn't help and he just almost fell back down untill I grabbed his other hand and pulled. He finally got to his feet and he towered over me. "I'm sorry I knocked you over but I have to get going bye" I rushed down the hallway. Once I got to the end I looked around for HyoSonn, I ran around for a good 5 minutes and I finally saw her. "HyoSonn" I shouted as I ran to her.

She punched me in the arm "Where the hell have you been!" HyoSonn yelled at me.

"I'm sorry I was thinking and then I knocked someone over on my way out" I explained, she was not eased from her anger towards me.

"You are so clumsy, sometimes you are really good at falling over" She said lightening up a little.

"Yeah I know" I sighed "Should we head home?" I asked.

"Sure" HyoSonn was all of a sudden super joyful, I just went along with it. She grabbed my arm and raced off dragging me along. She stopped infront of a frozen yogurt place and just drooled.

"You want some before we go home?" I asked "I'll pay".

"YES!!" She yelled suddenly draging me inside. I bought both of us a frozen yogurt and she was shoveling it in her face. She swallowed the mound of yogurt she just put in her mouth. "So I saw that you met Yugyeom" She said nudging my arm.

"That's his name?" I questioned, Yugyeom....sounds really cute.

"Yes, how did you not know.....I told you to research" She said with a serious face.

"I'm just not as into the music as you are" I sighed.

"Anyway I'm done eating lets head out" HyoSonn decided because the mood was ruined. I payed for the yogurt and we left in silence the whole way home.

[Yugyeom's POV]

I played with the girls Ipod trying to figure out how to get it back to her. "MyungHee" I repeated quietly.


"MyungHee you stupid girl, why where you in the bathroom for 45 minutes!" She said bolting out of the bathroom and into me.

~End Flashback~

"What are you doing?" Youngjae said, I jumped sliding the headphones around my neck.

"You scared me, don't do that" I complained.

"Where'd you get that?" Youngjae asked a different question.

"It's that girl's Ipod" I replied staring at it.

"What?.....The one that tripped over the chair?" he asked.

"That's the one" I said in a sing-songy voice.

"Sounds like someone is in Love" Mark teased coming around the corner.

"With who?!?" Bambam shouted running around the corner and up to me shaking my arm.

"I'm not in love..." I defended "she was just beautiful".

"Weirdo" Mark, Youngjae, and Bambam said at the same time before walking back to their rooms in silence. I stared at the Ipod flipping through her music. She doesn't have bad tastes in music I thought.

[MyungHee's POV]

"We've got school in the morning you should go to sleep early, unlike last night" HyoSonn said walking past my room and into hers where I heard the door shut. I walked over to my door and shut it, I walk to my table next to the mirror and I grab some face wipes. I start to wipe off my makeup, looking into the mirror I check to make sure I got all of it.

"Hey MyungHee did you do your homework" HyoSonn said through the wall. Oh Crap! I thought, I threw the wipe into the garbage and ran to my desk. I opened my school backpack and took out my books and pencils.

"Thanks for reminding me!" I yelled through the walls.

"Are you saying you haven't done it yet!" HyoSonn continued the conversation.

"Maybe" I said. I did my homework untill I saw the sun. "Well I got it done" I sighed. I got up out of my chair and decided to start the day alittle early looking at the clock. "5:13am" I murmured. I walked to my closet grabing my uniform and going to go take a shower.

"Up early are we" HyoSonn mocked, as I opened the door to the bathroom. I jumped.

"You shouldn't do that" I said holding my upper chest trying to catch her breath. I walked into my room shutting the door behind me.

"MyungHee we need to go catch the bus!" HyoSonn said knocking on my door. I opened the door walking out with my hair up in a ponytail and in my uniform. We walked out the door to go catch the bus.

[AN: Sorry It's kinda short and boring :) Enjoy your holidays]

An Unplanned Meeting [Got7 Yugyeom]Where stories live. Discover now