11: Awkward

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[MyungHee's POV]

I opened the door, to see Yugyeom, wearing no shirt. Like, it seemed like he didn't care that I saw him with no shirt. My face became red as a tomato in an instant. I dropped the clothes he lent me and slammed the door shut. I leaned against the door and smacked my face. My face felt warm. I walked into the living room because there wasn't anything I really needed from THAT room right at this moment.

"You ready for school" Youngjae said. I looked over at him and nodded smiling. "Good" He smiled back walking towards the kitchen. "Want some coffee?"

"Oh my god, yes" I quickly limped into the kitchen after him, sliding and almost falling from the mixture of tile and socks.

"Sounds like someone likes coffee" I heard a voice behind me say. I looked back and it was JB leaning on the doorway to the kitchen.

"Maybe" I made and awkward pouting face. He just laughed as Youngjae handed me a cup of nice warm coffee. I sipped it and felt a lot better. Just then, Mr Shirtless walked through the living room.

"Guys we got to go" He said "We are almost late" He slipped his shoes on and started to leave.

"But I just got my coffee" I pouted.

"Gosh, just bring it with you" He laughed at my stupid faces.

"Okay" I quickly walked to the door slipping my shoes on best I could, with an injured ankle and coffee in my hand. I turned back for a second "BAMBAM LETS GO" I shouted, he hurried toward the door from his room. His hair was messy and blazer was buttoned up wrong. I laughed really hard at this scene unfolding before me. I turned around and followed Yugyeom to the elevator. We stood infront of it and waited in silence before Youngjae came along and started talking to Yugyeom. They talked about random things that I had no interest in. The elevator doors opened and we walked inside while

Bambam came bolting down the hallway and into the elevator.

"Having issues Bammie" I said ruffling his already messy hair.

"Stop it" he whined. I nodded and continued to tease him. The elevator got to the first floor and we all walked out (I limped). The guys led me to their van that they ride in to go anywhere. I sat next to Youngjae in the middle with Yugyeom and Bambam in the back fighting with each other. We sat in silence after the boys settled their argument over who got the armrest. Once we arived at the school I climbed out and was swarmed by girls.

"LOOK IT'S GOT7" one of them yelled. They got out of the van looking flawless with sun glasses on. Once the girls noticed me they got angry.

"Who is she?" They said. They pushed me and pulled my hair. It was terrifying. They screemed in my ears. My vision started to go blurry and sounds started to muffle. I collapsed and felt my being yelled at and kicked in the stomach. I soon blacked out.

[Yugyeom's POV]

I was about to help MyungHee get through the fans when I hear fans yelling angry things over where she was. I walk around the van so see her surrounded by fans and she's on the ground, she wasn't moving. I rush to her pushing fans out of the way. I kneel down to her and pick her up bridal style and run as fast as I can towards the infermary. I bolted through the doors and pass alot of  people. I got to the nurse office and set her on a bed and try to find the nurse. I was scrambling around the room freaking out.

[MyungHee's POV]

I hear stomping, loud stomping. I open my eyes to see what's happening. They slowly open and I see Yugyeom pacing back and forth.

"What are you doing" I mumbled. He stopped pacing and looked at me. He raced over to the side of the bed. I slowly sat up and looked at him.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He said with a panicky tone. I sat up.

"I'm fine this happens all the time.....it's normal for me'' I explained

[AN: oh my gosh I love my loyal fans I love you and I'm sorry for the short update and the long wait]

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