9: One Sleep-Over Closer

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[MyungHee's POV]

"I'm not alone I have you" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Uhh" Yugyeom stuttered. "Okay you win, but why are you out here to late?"

"I couldn't sleep, you?" I asked.

"Everyone was being super loud" He said.

"You guys are still awake at this time" I exclaimed. I gestured for him to walk and talk with me, he walked next to me while we walked around the area. We talked about random things and got to know each other more.

"So is it fun to be known by everyone?" I asked.

"Sometimes" He shrugged. "Sometimes I just want to be a normal guy."

"Why, everyone loves you?" I said.

"Well, I can't date like a normal guy" He said hanging his head, looking at his feet as he walked.

"Yeah but you can go to fancy places, travel the world while making money" I said looking up at the stars.

He looked over at me "Do you want to travel the world?" He asked stopping. I stopped and walked in front of him and started to walk backwards. He walked forward with worry on his face.

"I wouldn't turn it down, but everyone I love is here" I sighed. "My mom, brother, HyoSonn."

"Don't walk like that, you'll get hurt" He said walking a little faster.

"I'll be fine" I said, but there was a rock under my foot that shifted making me fall backwards. I saw Yugyeom wide eyed trying to catch me, but I just fell on my back. "I'm a klutz, I take that back." He crouched down next to me.

"I hate to say it.....but I told you so" He smirked and offered his hand. While laughing I grabbed it and tried to stand up, but my ankle hurt a lot.

"Owww" I groaned in pain as I tried to stand up. He caught me as I almost collapsed under the pain. He crouched down in front of me.

"Get on" He said pointing to his back.

"No I'm heavy" I said crossing my arms.

"Really all you girls say that, but your not...just get on" He sighed. I climbed ontop of his back and carried me around.

[Yugyeom's POV]

Really whats with girls saying that they're heavy, this girl is as light as a feather.

"Where are you taking me" MyungHee asked.

"Back to your apartment, where do you think?" I said.

"No we can't, we'll wake up HyoSonn, then freak out that you're in the house...and it will be one big fiasco!" She exclaimed.

"Then I'll take you back to my dorm and you can stay there" I said.

"Uhm, won't that be awkward, and how would I get in?" She asked.

"Trust me, my hyungs are oblivious" I said laughing. She laughed a little too. We walked all the way to the dorm. It was 1:30am when we arrived. We rode the elevator up to the 4th floor. I put her down and had her walk with one arm over my shoulder. She had a big limp, she could barely walk. I opened the door and looked inside, I saw no one. I walked in she walked next to me and I heard something so I freaked out and swiftly picked her up bridal style and ran to my room.

(PRETEND FOR ME, they have their own rooms, okay?!?!? Pretend for me!)

I closed the door behind me with my foot and stood their catching my breath.

[MyungHee's POV]

He held me and panted. It scared me a little how sudden it was. I looked at him and he was inches from my face, I could feel his breath on my cheeks. I blushed as I looked at his face up close. I looked away, at the wall.

"Umm.....you can put me down now" I whispered.

"Oh, yeah" He whispered back putting me on his desk chair. He grabbed a box for me to elevate my foot. He ran out of the room and came back with some ice. "Here" He put the ice on my ankle.

I winced at the sudden cold. He stood there with his thinking face on.

"Ummm where should I sleep?" I said trying to keep quiet, in order not to wake the others.

"Oh, um... on my bed" He said pointing at his bed.

"Then where will you sleep?" I asked, worried about his answer.

"I'll figure it out" He said. Very reassuring, thanks.

"Yo Yugyeom!!" Someone yelled. I didn't recognize this voice.

"Yeah" He said frantically. "Stay here and stay quiet" He whispered quiet enough so only I could hear it. He walked out of his room and started talking with some guys, probably his members.

[Yugyeom's POV]

"Hey Jackson hyung" I said, worried about MyungHee in my room. How was I gonna explain this to everyone....I wont.

"Sup little one" Jackson said ruffling my hair. The rest of the guys came inside.

"Where were you guys" I asked looking at the chicken Bambam had in his hands.

"We picked up chicken" JB said. He shrugged.

"Hey Yugyeom, can I borrow that movie we were talking about earlier?" Youngjae said walking towards my room.

"Oh yeah...it's on my dresser." I said looking back at the guys. Oh wait MyungHee is in my room, crap. I went to go stop him, and he just walked right into my room. I waited a second and he just came back out with the movie.

"Thanks bro" He said walking towards his own room. I sighed really surprised.

[MyungHee's POV]

"Oh yeah, it's on my dresser" Yugyeom shouted. Wait I'm in here. I grabbed my ice and hobbled over to the wardrobe, crawled inside and closed the doors. It's amazing I fit in here, best game of hide-and-seek ever. I put the ice pack back on my ankle. Youngjae walked in, grabbed something off of Yugyeom's dresser and walked out, closing the door. I sighed once the door closed. I opened the doors and hobbled back over to the chair and sat down.

"Stupid" I mummbled looking at my swolled ankle. I sighed.

[Yugyeom's POV again]

"Well guys I'm going to go to bed, okay?" I said. Everyone nodded in response. I walked to my room, opened the door and walked in. I closed the door and leaned my back against it. I deeply sighed and looked at MyungHee sitting on the chair looking at me. She just gave me a that-was-close look.

[MyungHee's POV AGAIN]

I crawled onto Yugyeom's bed. I layed on my back and sighed.

"Do you want to borrow some clothes?" Yugyeom whispered. I nodded, my clothes were not fit for sleeping. He handed me a big T-shirt of his and some sweatpants. I got up slowly and hobbled over to the door, then stopped and turned back around.

"How am I supposed to do this" I whispered. He looked at me blankly. He shrugged. He CAN'T leave because he said he was going to bed, and I can't leave because I'm not supposed to be here. I sighed. "Turn around please" I said quietly. He turned his back. "Don't peak please" I whispered. He nodded. I as quickly as I could, with a injured ankle, changed into the clothes he gave me.

I hobbled over to his bed and layed down. He sat down on the floor facing me.

"Are you sure you want to sleep on the floor" I said "I can always sleep on the floor."

"No I'm good" He layed down on the floor and closed his eyes. I sat up and looked down at him. I took the bigger blanket on his bed and covered him, then took his pillow and put it under his head. He opened his eyes and looked at me, his eyes saying thank-you. I took the smaller blanket and covered myself. I layed down using my arm as a pillow, and fell asleep.

[AN: Sorry it's late and long :) ENJOY GUYS]

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