14: Wait what?!?!?

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[MyungHee's POV]
After I got home I kept replaying that scene in my head over and over. In the end we ended up exchanging phone numbers. I was laying in bed thinking about his cute little face. I rolled over to face the wall and closed my eyes to think about him.

I woke up the next morning and looked over at my clock. It said 1:13pm. I bolted out of bed and threw some pants on and grabbed a random shirt out of my closet and into the living room. HyoSonn was in the kitchen drinking her coffee all ready for work.  She looked at me. And raised one eyebrow.

"Good morning sunshine" she said with a smirk. I ran to the mirror and fixed my hair. I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walked back out and she was standing by the door giggling at me running around like a chicken with my head cut off. "You seriously need to get an alarm clock"

"I know, I know" I replied and slipped my shoes on. "Are you ready to go or what." We left and started walking to the bus stop. At this point I realized what I put on this morning. I looked down to see my blue skinny jeans, skin tight v-neck shirt and my usual shoes. Not my usual outfit, but I don't even care at this point. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and I had like 3 messages from Yugyeom and 1 new one from Jungkook. Yugyeom's messages said "Good morning", "you awake?" and "I guess not, well I'm gonna be busy today with GOT7 stuff" and Jungkook said "Turn around". I wipped my head around and saw him walking with the 3 other members of BTS. All of them were wearing their disguises but I could still tell it Jungkook. He smirked and waved a little bit. HyoSonn was sitting next to me super glued to her phone, she didn't realize when I waved back at him. She didn't look up from her phone till they were standing next to her. There was no one at the bus stop considering how late in the day it was. Jungkook stood in front of me, Suga was standing next to him looking at HyoSonn, while Jimin and V goofed around chasing each other around and danced like they always do in their YouTube videos.

"Good morning" Jungkook said while smiling. Gosh his smile is so cute, he is so much more handsome in person.

"Morning" I said trying not to sound so excited. HyoSonn, looked absolutely astonished that BTS was standing right in front of her eyes. Her jaw dropped as Suga and Jungkook laughed a little bit. I looked at her and closed her mouth.

"Where are you guys headed" Suga asked. He smiled, he is also so much more handsome in person. Now that I really get a good long look at them, all of them are so gorgeous. Why are they talking to someone as plain-Jane as I am.

"Just work" I smirked. "Why are you guys out here? Aren't you guys afraid you're gonna get swarmed"

"We just wanted to go to this coffee shop that Jin gave us coupons to" Jimin interjected out of breath from ferociously dancing with V. The bus pulled up; HyoSonn and I stood up, and waved to the boys. We pulled out our month passes, and got on. The guys followed us onto the bus showing their temporary passes to the bus driver and sitting down next to us.

"Wait why are you guys getting on?" HyoSonn asked. This being the first thing she has said while the guys being here. We put our wallets away.

"Well, we need to be on the bus to get to the coffee shop" Suga said, glaring at the others messing around and being loud.

"If I may ask whats the name of the coffee shop?" She asked. She sat on the isle seat and I sat next to the window, Suga sat on the isle seat across from us, and Jungkook, Jimin, and V sat behind Suga playing with something that I couldn't make out from here.

"Mr. Jo's Coffee" Jungkook said looking at me, finally starting to pay attention to the conversation. Wait... That's where HyoSonn and I work. Before I got to say anything HyoSonn interjected.

"Really?! That's where we work" She smiled. The boys looked happy.

"Does that mean we get to see you pretty girls all afternoon?" V boldly stated. HyoSonn blushed and I smiled. I don't usually get complimented, HyoSonn does though. She's so much more beautiful then I am. Her brown hair curls so subtly and suits her soft features so nicely. Her eyes are a brownish hazel and shine in the sunlight. I dyed my hair red but its faded and my light brown roots are coming in. My eyes are green and aren't really that pretty.

[JungKook's POV]

Gosh her eyes are so beautiful. I could look into them all day. She's so short and it's cute. I look over glare at V because of his comment. I could see MyungHee's friend blush hard. Jimin and V go back to playing with a pen that they found. For being my elders they are kinda childish...then again so am I.

"Oh this is the stop" MyungHee said. Her and her friend got up and got off the bus and we followed them off. They walked inside and their co-workers greeted them. We sat down at a table.

[MyungHee's POV]

We got into the shop and immediately walked to the back. We opened our lockers in silence and put our aprons and name tags on. We both turned around.


"Dud-" We both got out before we starting laughing. I let her talk first.

"What just happened?" She exclaimed. "We took the bus to school with idols and they called us pretty"

"I have no idea..." I said, looking down. "Dude what is happening to our lives. We go to school with idols and apparently we have befriended more" We walked out into the front area. BTS is sitting at a table in the corner with the view of everything. I walked behind the register while HyoSonn goes into the back to help make pastries. I grabbed my pen and paper and went over to the table. "So what would you guys like?" I asked. They wanted 3 muffins and 4 coffees (IDEK). "Ok I'll be right back with those" I flashed them a smile. I brought everything back on a tray that I successfully balanced all the way to them. I set everything on the table and asked "Do you need anything else?"

"Um, no I think we're okay for now" Suga said looking around at the others for agreement. I nodded and walked to the counter. An elderly couple walked in and I waited for them to choose a seat, I walked over and took their order...

The day went on as usual, BTS eventually left and my shift ended. HyoSonn and I put everything away into our locker. I glanced at a photo of my family. There's a Polaroid picture of my mom, dad, my older brother and I. I sure do miss them. I closed my locker and walked out of the shop with HyoSonn as she told me a story of one of her classes that she has with BamBam. I smiled and then my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my back pocket and saw that there were 3 texts. 2 from Jungkook from like an hour ago saying "Hey, I had fun today. You'll probably see more of me more often" and "wait that sounded pretty creepy, sorry." I wonder what he meant. Then one from Yugyeom saying "Hey can I see you tonight?" I replied to Yugyeom saying yeah then asked him when. We got on the bus and kinda sat in silence till we got home. I walked in the door and plopped onto the couch while HyoSonn went into the kitchen, probably to start dinner. I look over to the clock on the wall it was 8:09.

"What do you want to eat?" She comes out her hair tied up and her bunny apron.

"Everything!!" I exclaim. "I'm starving" :3

"Ok, so anything I want" She giggled. I turned the TV onto whatever channel was on last. I am gonna see Yugyeom in 45ish minutes. I'm kinda excited. Wait, what is this feeling?

{OH MAH GERD, I'm so sorry for the delay and the terrible update, but I'm trying to get back into the groove}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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