Chapter 22

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Ahsoka POV

I was talking with Trace and Rafa. " Isn't that nice making friends" a figure said walking up to us. I quickly became defensive " Trace and Rafa back away" I said as the figure stop in front of me .

" So you remember me" Bo-Katan said as she took off her helmet. " Don't worry Death Watch is gone now you and I have a common enemy" she said showing me a hologram of Maul" she said showing me a hologram of Maul.

" Maul" I said staring at her. " We need your help and I'll tell you everything once your underway and we have an ex-sith joining as well" Bo-Katan said as Ventress step out of the shadows.

" Ventress what are you doing here" I said still a bit cautious of her. " I want to seek revenge for the ones that betrayed me" she said.

" So what's it going to be Ahsoka" Bo-Katan said I look back at Trace and Rafa for a moment before facing Bo-Katan.

" I'll join you to defeat Maul besides Ventress is going to need all the help she can get" I said as Ventress smiles softly.

" Good I'll tell Iduna that you agreed and we'll go discuss the plan once we visit Iduna " Bo-Katan said as she put on her helmet.

Ventress and I waited as Bo-Karan took out a holo- transmitter. Iduna's hologram pop up she looks different. She's wearing her mandalorian armor with her hair put into a braid bun while holding her helmet.

" Iduna we have Ahsoka Tano joining us to defeat Maul" she said as Iduna smiled warmly which made smile brightly. " Thast wonderful meet me back to my house I have a gift for Ahsoka" she said as the transmitter ended.

" Okay lets go to Iduna's house and we'll discuss the battle plan" she said as Ventress and I followed Bo-Katan.

~Time Skips~

Iduna POV

A knock was heard as I open to see Ahsoka, Ventress, Bo-Katan, Ursa and Fenn standing there. " Ahsoka oh my gosh you've grown so much" I said as I brought Ahsoka into a hug.

" I-I miss you Iduna they thought I was a traitor" Ahsoka said sadly as I rubbed her back in comfort. " Sh sh it's okay I always believed in you Soka" I said as she smiled at me warmly as I dried her tears.

" Soka is that you I miss you" Boba said as he ran up to hug her. " Oh my force Boba your so tall" she said as Boba smiled sheepishly.

" Ahsoka this is Jango my husband" I said as Jango stood next to me. " Nice to meet you Ahsoka thank you for looking out for my wife" he said shaking her hand.

" Anytime Jango" she said as I pick up a large box. " Here's a gift from me to you" I said as she took the box and opened it.

She smiled warmly as she look at her new outfit. " Iduna it's perfect thank you" she said as I smiled warmly. " No problem and put it on Jango has something from you that he received from Master Obi-Wan Kenobi" I said as she went inside the bathroom to change.

~Time Skips~

Ahsoka POV

I stared myself in the mirror at new outfit. It was mandalorian material and it felt comfortable.

I exit the bathroom and saw Jango holding a small box. " Jedi Master Kenobi told us to give you these" he said as I open the box to find my old lightsabers.

" Your old Master Anakin Skywalker fix them for you maybe a little to better" Iduna said as I held the two blades and activated them as it came to life.

"Thank you the both of you this means a lot to me" I said as they both smiled. " Now how are we going to attack Death Watch" I said as Iduna smiled.

" We manage to convince Jedi Master Plo Koon and his 104th Battalion to assist us" Jango said as I nodded.

" Then let's go take down Maul once and for all and find out who is the Sith Lord" I said as we all exit Iduna's house and got the Nu-shuttle to meet up with Plo Koon.

I may have the Jedi Order but I owe my depth to Iduna who's always been supportive to me and showed me that attachments don't led to the dark side and they define who you truly are.

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