Chapter 17

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Iduna POV

I was reading a book while Boba and Valeria where playing the video game console in the living room. I heard a knock as I got up and open the door to see Woffle, Sinker, Comet and Boost standing there.

" Hey mom!" Boost said happily. I laugh lightly "What brings you guys here" I said as Woffle look away  embarrassingly. " We but more like Woffle wanted to spend time with you" Comet said jokingly which earned him a hard glared by Woffle.

" We decide to tag along you know where he goes we follow besides we weren't going to let him get all of the cuddles" Sinker said as he hug me tightly. " Aw thank you son" I said as I notice that I was off the ground.

" Um Sinker sweetie can you put me down I have to make brownies " I said as Boost gasp excitedly along with Boba and Valeria.

Once I was set down in the ground I cover my ears as  Woffle and Comet  did the same before Sinker, Boost, Boba, and Valeria yelled out.

" Brownies !! Brownies !! Brownies !!" They chanted and yelled as I rolled my eyes and laugh. Woffle cross his arms and pouted.

" It's okay Wolffe do you want to come with me to the store" I said as he light up and stood up fast.

" Alright Sinker and Comet stay here while Boost and I go to the store with mom" Woffle order as Comet and Sinker groan.

" How come you get to go with Mom" Comet said as Sinker nodded in agreement.

"Because I'm the oldest in the pack and I need to protect mom" Woffle said. I rolled my eyes at their tactics.

" You guys come as well besides I need to buy more groceries" I said as Valeria and Boba shot up from the ground and ran upstairs to put on their shoes and sweaters.

" Is everyone ready to go" I said as they all nodded. We exit the house and lock the door before walking towards the mini market to buy groceries.

~Time Skips at the Mini Market~

Woffle POV

Sinker and Boost where looking at the chips section, Valeria and Boba where with Mom getting cereal. Comet and I where currently looking at candies. I felt someone nudge me I look up to see Comet looking at me.

" What's wrong Comet" I said as he motioned his head in front of us. I turn to look where he was motion and notice a guy talking to mom and was to close to our liking.

" Hey guys what's wrong" Sinker said as he, Boost, Boba and Valeria walk up to us.

" A random guy is flirting with Ummi" Comet said as they turned to look at mom. I saw the guy put his hand on mom's waist as she back away and laugh nervously.

I felt my anger boil as I decide to walk up with the others following as we tower behind him.

Iduna POV

I look behind the guy and notice that all of my sons where towering behind him while Valeria and Boba cling to my arms while death glaring the guy.

" Excuse me sir" Woffle said as the guy turn around. " Yes can't you see I'm talking to beautiful and sexy lady here" he said rudely. Woffle eyes widen as he punch the guy in the nose with Comet, Sinker and Boost kicking him.

" If we see you looking, staring or talking our Ummi then we will destroy" Wolffe threatened as the guy nodded and ran away.

I shook my head and finish paying as we all walk back towards the house.

After we entered Valeria, Comet, Sinker and Boba sat in the living room while playing the console.

I was putting groceries away as I notice Wolffe looking down. " Hey Woffle it's okay I'm okay son" I said placing my hand in his cheek as he leaned in.

" Sorry mom is just that guy was so rude and inappropriate towards you" he said as I smiled warmly at him. I gave him a kiss in the cheek.

" I have you and your brothers to protect me from danger sweetie" I said as I went back to but grocers away and started to make brownies.

The day ended with Woffle and Boost helping me make cookies while I told them stories of my youth years and how I met Jango and got married.

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