Chapter 36

565 11 11

Daily Funny Moments

Aurra Sings: this is so much calories


Jango to Iduna : *Think Out Loud by Ed Sheeran playing in the background* Take me into your fucking !!!!

Iduna: O~O

Hardcase: I like PICKLES!! I can shoot three *makes a goal* Let's gooo!!!!!!

Fox: argh I got no friends

Thorn: *cough* bitch what am I a roach!!

Iduna: why aren't the dishes in alphabetical order

Fives: what does that even mean

Echo: *takes out death stick* life sucks

Kix: I didn't know you smoke

Echo: I don't * eats death stick*

Hardcase: this how I enter my house what's up fuckers !!!!!!

Jesse: why are you on my phone !

Hardcase: cause fuck you that's why!!!

Cody: Gree you didn't pay the power bill

Fives: when your lights don't work like they use to before

Cody: Fives shut the fuck up

Iduna: *stirring the macaroni*

Rex: that's what good pussy sounds like

Iduna: Rex!! Young man your language

Rex: mom I'm sorry please not the spoon

Boba & Valeria : dad look it's the good gush

Jango: this is the dollar store how good could it be

Jesse: Dogma is so annoying

Dogma: I heard you were talking shit about me

Jesse: what the fuck !!

Jango: I only had Iduna for a day and a half but if anything happens to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.

Iduna: hey Woffle why is it dark in here

Woffle: I can see fine Ummi

Iduna: but how ??

Woffle: because you light up my world Ummi... I love you mom * hugs*

Iduna: Aw Woffle my dear pup love you too

Valeria:  Kix is that a weed

Kix: no this is a-

Valeria: I'm calling the police *beep* * beep*

Tup: 9/11 what's your emergency

Bly: Ponds is that a police I'm calling the weed

*beep* *beep*

Gree: 4/20 whatcha smoking

Boba: Ponds can I copy your work

Ponds: yeah here you go

Boba: thanks much appreciate- what does this say

Ponds: shit I don't know either

Jango: Iduna

Iduna: I got to church now and I'm in love with Jesus ( Obi-Wan)

Jango: Obi-Wan!

* throws a bucket at Kenobi and tackles him*

Jango:Obi-Wan!!! Leave Iduna alone

Obi-Wan: what are you talking about

Note: I would like to say thank you to -dreamxr- for creating this adorable meme picture of Jango and Iduna. Buddy this is adorable and cute.

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