Chapter 21

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Jango POV

I shook my wife so she can wake up but I notice her chest rising and falling as she breath softly. I look at Boba who look worried.

I tuck one of my arm under Iduna's knees while the other was tuck under her back as I lifted her up bridal style. " Dad... mom needs to rest" he said as he lifted grab Ventress by the arms.

" Then let's go somewhere where she can rest do you guys have a place?" I said as Boba thought before nodding. " Yes follow me" he said as I followed him with my beloved wife limp on my arms as she slept peacefully.

~Time Skips~

Boba POV

I watch as dad gently laid mom in the bed and kiss in her head. " Call me if your mom wakes up" he told me as I nodded. He left the room to deal with Ventress.

I sat next to mom I petted her hair She started to move as she opens her eyes and sat up looking around. " Boba where are we" she said looking at me. " Dad brought you back to the house" I said happily.

She gave me a confused look " Jango is alive" she said softly as I nodded and went down stairs.

I saw Dad tying Ventress up in a chair. " Dad!" I said from the top stairs. Dad look at me worriedly. " What is it Boba" he said as relax at my smile. " Mom is awake" I said as he quickly made his way upstairs and enter their shared bedroom.I followed behind him as he sat down next to mom.

Iduna POV

I sat against the bed as Jango entered and sat next to me. " Iduna. I'm sorry I shocked you cyare but I'm here now it's really me love" he whispered as he rubbed my hand.

" Jango come closer" I whispered as he leans closer. " What is it cyar'ika" he said as I raised my hand up and smack his head. "Don't ever pulled that stunt again" I said as he stood in shock before laughing.

" That's my amazing wife" he said as peck my forehead. " Dad are you going to leave us again like last time" Boba said. Jango shook his head as he wrap his arms around my stomach and pull me close to his chest.

" No I'm not leaving you or your mother ever again" he said nuzzling into my hair. " I need to talk to Ventress" I said getting out of Jango's grip but he hug me tighter. I rolled my eyes as I turn around to kiss his cheek.

" Ventress isn't dangerous dear don't worry I'll be fine" I reassured him as he cupped my face kiss me softly. "I know but I want my beautiful wife save in my arms" he said whispering in my ear as he kiss my ear lobe.

" Ew dad that's disgusting" Boba whined as I laugh lightly. " Well it's not my fault your mother is such a beauty to stare at" he said.

I laugh and got out of Jango's grip and went to check on Ventress. I saw Ventress tied up in a chair.

" Oh my Ventress are you okay" I said untying her as she rubbed her hands. " Your husband is really serious isn't he" she said as Jango glared at her.

" Boba can you heat up water for two cups of tea please" I said softly as he nodded and went into the kitchen. I sat in the couch as Jango sat next to me with his arms wrap around my stomach.

" Chancellor Palpatine is the mastermind behind this war" she said as Boba handed her cup of tea. " I'll help you be free if you help me defeat Maul" I said as I took a sip of my tea.

" Boba and I will support you and the mandalorians" Jango said. Ventress nodded as she drank her tea. " The Night Owls and I can deal with Death Watch we just need someone to take on Maul" I said as Ventress thought for moment.

" I can try.... but I'll convince ex-Jedi padawan Ahsoka Tano to join us" she said which made me almost choke on my tea. " She's in exile what happened" I said to Ventress.

" She was set up as a traitor for trying to explode the temple" she said as I gasp softly at news. " Hope she's alright" I said as Boba rubbed my back.

" There's also problem" Jango chimed in. " And that is" Ventress said. " Count Dooku Order Nala Se to implant inhibitor chips on the clones and created three main orders for them to obey"he said.

" He's trying to lead Anakin Skywalker to the dark side so he destroy the Jedi Order by using the clones to Execute Order 66" Ventress said as I shiver at thought of my sons betraying their friends.

" Well that's all I have to see I need to go speak with Ahsoka Tano and you should let your sons know about the chips" she said as she got up and left to the streets of Coruscant.

Jango lifted me up bridal style and carried me towards our room as Boba went to his room to sleep.

Jango POV

I hug my wife close to my chest as she fell asleep peacefully. I move a strand of her hair away from her face as I rubbed my thumb against her soft and smooth skin.

I leaned down to peck her lips softly as I laid my head on top of her's as we both fell asleep in each other's arms. I never letting my wife go ever again.

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