Chapter 3

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Iduna POV

After the whole inspection process was done we stop in front of a door. " So what do you think mom" Cody said. As Rex smiled brightly waiting for my expression. I look around

" This base is magnificent wow I never seen a military so organized" I said happily. They both smile widely before coughing and becoming serious.

" Okay mom behind this door is a fresh batch of shinies" Cody said as Rex nodded. I look at them confused at what exactly is a shiny.

" Um what's a shiny" I said. " Mom a shiny is a fresh vod from Kamino" Rex said as I nodded. Cody enter the code and the door open, I was met with five on my sons.

Fives POV

" This is so boring" Droidbait whines as Hevy sigh. " Well we had orders so to bad" he said smirking a bit. Droidbait  pouter jokingly.

I turn to Cutup and smirk as he groan and rolled his eyes. " So I was like baby why don't you and I go.." I was cut off by Cutup sassily roasting me.

" Fives you never had a girlfriend" he said. The sound of the control room doors slide open.

" Alright Rookies listen up" Captain Rex said as we stood at attention, I saw Commander Cody and a mysterious female standing behind them.

" Sir who's that" Cutup said curiously glancing behind Captain Rex. Soon the mysterious woman took off her helmet and set in the table.

She had beautiful blue eyes, soft brown hair but into a braid bun , and a sexy body. She wore some mandalorian armor.

I smirk and lean against the table. " Baby what's your name" I said flirty as she rolled her eyes.

" My name is Iduna such charmer you are" she said sarcastically which made Echo and Hevy snicker.

" What beautiful name for a pretty girl" I said as she gave a disappointing look. " Fives that's enough you don't speak to our mom like that" Rex said.

My eyes widen as I saw her smirk " You definitely are like Jango" she said laughing lightly.

" Wait we have mom !" Droidbait yelled as he got up and hug our mom. "Hey I want some hugs to" Cutup said as he joined in.

" I miss my boys so much" she kissing them on the head. " Mom  I'm sorry that flirted with you" I said sadly.

Iduna POV

" It's okay my son you didn't know" I said softly as he joined in as well. " Let's go give mom a hug Hevy" Echo said as he practically drag him into the group hug. Hevy groan but soon met my eyes as I rub his cheek with my thumb.

He leaned into the touch as I kiss him in the head. " Good to see you my son" I said happily before hugging them.

We all let go but Cutup kept his arms wrap me. Rex and Cody chuckled a bit.

" So mom what brings you here" Echo said sitting on a chair. " I'm here to seek help Mandalore is in trouble" I said.

" Why what happened" Hevy said seriously but had a hint of protectiveness . " Maul killed the Duchess and has taken over Mandalore" I said as they all stood in wide eye shook.

Fives was about to say something when an explosion went off and the alarms went off. Soon one of my son's cake running in.

" Sir the separatists are attacking us what are your orders" he said. " Prepare the men to defend the station" Rex said as my other son nodded.

" Mom we have to get you to safety" Hevy said as I shook my head. " No you guys defend here I can create a distraction to lead them towards me" I said.

" Mom it's to dangerous please we barely got you back we don't want to lose you like dad" Droidbait said.

I rubbed his cheek " I'll be fine I've been through worse just do what I tell you" I said as I gave them all a warm smile but before I put on my helmet. " Don't you'll see me again" I said as I put on my helmet and went to distract them as I ignore the protest from my sons.

I prayed to the force to keep my boys alive and well. I will not hesitate to destroy anyone who hurts or threat my little babies.

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