Why my life changed

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The story will be in Arimasu's POV unless I say otherwise

The lights were bright and we where 10 points away from winning the game. I could hear my sister in the stands yelling "You can do it Ari!" I saw the ball falling down and I dove into action to save it. I missed it. Our caption yelled "you will get it next time!" I got up and was ready for the next ball.
As the ball few Over our heads I yelled "It's out!" "Nice eye Ari!" Yui yelled. The game went on for what felt like forever and we were finally doing well too. But then tragedy struck a ball came flying over the net and no one was ready for so I dove for it and missed as well but as I landed I twisted my leg and all I heard was a loud cracking noise. I screamed in pain as the Yui ran up to me "Ari are you okay?" She asked. Tears falling down my face the coach called a time out.
The coach case up to me as Kiyoko came to the court I couldn't get up or move for the that matter. As more people gathered around I started to blackout. When I woke up I was in the hospital with my parents and sister. "Guys what happened?" I asked wincing in pain. "At the game you fell wrong and broke your leg and because of lack of energy you blacked out." Kiyoko said. "Your injury is very serious and the doctor says you can't play for the rest of the season. I'm so sorry sweetie." My mom said with tears running down her face as you start to cry too. "I can't play anymore. But volleyball is my life. Damn it!" I yelled "I'm so sorry honey." My mom said. "Let's go home." My dad said.
I took the blanket off my leg and saw a cast. I started to tear up as I changed into normal clothes and the my mom handed me crutches. I crutched my way out of the hospital. Believe it or not this isn't the first time I've been on crutches but last time it wasn't this serious. I looked out the window the whole way home and then went straight to bed that night as I was full of heartbreak and anger.

I hope you liked the first chapter I'm a big haikyuu fan and love writing so I'm met in the middle and made a story about it.
Btw Ari is Arimasu's nickname that everyone will use a lot.

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