Camp pt. 1

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Ari's POV
It was so early. I fumbled for my phone has it fell off my night stand. "Shit!" I said as I went to grab it as I fell out of my bed. Kiyoko then came in my room. "I was coming to see if you were up but you look awake to me." She giggling. "Oh Shush. Go make out with Tanaka or something!" I said with a sly smirk on my face. "I told you I don't like him like that." She said as her fave turned a new shade of crimson.

We walked out the door and locked as Kiyoko and I were the only ones awake. We had morning practice today before school. The air was still chilly from the night and the dark blue sky ombré to a light pink. Nishinoya and Tanaka didn't have time to stop at the end of the road as to I had gotten a text this morning saying they were running late. We got the gym and were the first ones there. Daichi had the key so we couldn't get in.

The air was still quite cold but it would warm up soon enough. "Kiyoko?" I asked looking at my sister. "Yeah?" She said glancing over at me. "Are you afraid to leave high school?" I asked looking over at her. "Well I'm scared but we all have to move on a some point Ari. However this has been a big part of my life and I would trade the world for it." She said smiling. "But what happens when you go away to collage." I said starting to tear up. (I actually started crying while writing this😢) "I'm going to miss my baby sister and the volleyball team that is like family to me." She said. "I love you and want you to get a good education but, I don't want you to go. You helped me be able to participate in volleyball in a way I next thought of. When I fell on my knee's you picked me back up." I said full on crying. "What happens when your not here to do that anymore?" I said crying harder. At this point she was crying too. "Ari I will always be around. As your sister I will continue to fight for my little sister at all cost. But you need to understand your growing into a strong young adult and you won't need me as much anymore. It okay that you don't need to rely on me all the time. Plus I'm not sure were I'm going to college but, I will ways be one call away." She said as we started to hug.

"Hey beautiful why are you crying?" I turned around to see Nishinoya. Tanaka was standing beside him but, was dumbstruck because he had never seen Kiyoko cry. "Just taking about Kiyoko going away to college in a few months." I said trying to wipe the tears that wouldn't stop. Nishinoya pulled me into his chest as his sent help calm me. Tanaka hugged Kiyoko. Oddly enough she didn't push him away this time. It was silent as we all took some time to breathe.

"Sorry guys I was a little UM WOW.. are you guys okay?" Daichi asked as Suga and Asahi walked up behind him. "Where fine, just a lot of emotions." Kiyoko said finally pushing Tanaka off her. (Nice try buddy you did your best). "Well if your all good then let's start morning practice!" He said as the first years and rest of the second years arrived.

Skip to practice/ training camp

The boys were working really hard on blocks and Kiyoko and Iwere helping as well. The boys were working hard. Even Tsukishima had a sparkle in his eyes that he would never admit too.

After practice Kiyoko and I went to make them dinner as they cleaned up the gym. Kiyoko and I were walking into the hall and saw Tanaka and Nishinoya laying on the ground pretty much dead and Suga walking away with a smug look on his face. "Are you two okay?" I asked looking down at them. They both looked up and saw Kiyoko and I standing front of them. Then they suddenly come back to life. "Is it true you aren't staying here?" Nishinoya asked with a scared look on his face. "Well we live close by so we can go home." I said looking at him sincerely. "Please don't leave!" Nishinoya said hugging me super tightly. "Noya I can't breathe.." I slip out. "Oh sorry" he said letting  go. I glanced over at my sister. "I really don't want you staying here with a bunch of boys by your self." She said in a motherly way. "But I guess if your staying I will stay too." She said with a smile. Ran over to her and gave her a hug. "I will texted mom to bring our stuff." She said.

Later our mom dropped off our stuff and we made our way to were the girls stay. We put our stuff down and waited for our turns to shower. We both got showers and we went back to our room. I was wearing a t-shirt and black shorts. Kiyoko was wearing a tank top with black shorts. Then we heard a knock at the door. "I steal her for a minute?" Nishinoya said as I left the room. We went out side and sat on a hill looking at the stars. "Why did you need me?" I asked looking at him. "I wanted a goodnight kiss but also just some time with you." He said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into his lap.

Nishinoya's POV
We looked at the starts for awhile and Ari had fallen asleep. I shifted and she woke up. "Sorry to wake you." I said. "I didn't wake me." She said as she turned and pulled me into a kiss. The kiss under the stars. This is really starting to feel like a fanfic or something. Then we went back into the build and she went to her room. I walked into my room and Tanaka wasn't there I wonder where he was?

Hi guys I hope you all are enjoying the story it's fun and I have a lot of surprises in store.
Also feel  free to follow my instagram t_arts14

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