I have an idea and moving on with life

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Kiyoko's POV
My sister came home stressed. She climbed the stairs on crutches she has had them before but this time it sad. I sat on the couch and stared at the wall as tears ran down my face. "Honey are you okay?" My mom asked . "Yeah it's just sad volleyball meant the world to Ari and now there is a chance she damaged her leg so bad she can't play again." I said crying harder. You see that's the thing Ari didn't tell you she has injured her self so many times she that this my be the last straw for her to play. "Honey I know it's sad but she will figure something out I'm sure." My mom said and walked away.
I want to tell you about my family. My mom is a dentist and my dad works will a local business and travel a lot so this is one of the few times he is home. I'm a third year at Karasuno high school and I have dark raven hair and blue eyes. My sister Arimasu has dirty blonde almost brown hair and blue eyes. My sister looks more like my mom my mom and sister are both 5'2. My sister is a second year.
(I just wanted to give you an idea of the family)
Arimasu's POV
I Laid in my bed but I couldn't sleep and picked up my phone it was 10:30 pm and I had been in my room since 7:00 pm. I heard a knock on my door "Come in." I said quietly. "Hey sis can we talk?" Kiyoko said with a smile. "Sure." I said sitting up. "So I know your sad you can't play volleyball but I was wondering if you might want to go with me to the boy's volleyball practice tomorrow and I can see if you can become a manger. I have been looking for a new manger anyway." Kiyoko said smiling. "I guess I could come but I can't do much." I said. "Well It would give you something to do okay.?" Kiyoko said. "Your right Kiyoko I will go to practice!" I said. Kiyoko got up to leave my room. "Hey Sis?" I said. She turned around. "Thank you goodnight ." I said "good night Ari!" Said and walked out the door.
****next morning****
My alarm on my phone started going off . I was pissed I hate mornings. Anyway I picked up my phone and turned of the alarm. I looked at snap chat to see what was going on. I noticed that I had a tone of messages from people saying get well and stuff. Kinda stupid but at least they thought of me. I grabbed my crutches and hobbled to my closet to get my uniform out and got ready. Then I got me and my crutches down the stairs and sat at the table waiting for breakfast. "Good morning honey, sleep well?" My mom said putting down a plate of toast. "Yeah I think so." I said grabbing a piece of toast. Kiyoko then came down stairs and grabbed at piece of toast and said "we got to get going or we are going to be late Ari." "Oh your right!" I said jumping up from my seat.
"Are you sure I don't need to drive you guys?" My mom said from the kitchen. "No we will be fine" and we walked and then went to school.
"Don't for get to come to the boys volleyball practice after school." Kiyoko said. "I won't bye sis." I said as she walked away. Then I crutched to my class. When sat down I could hear people whispering about me but I expected that.
(Skip to after lunch because I'm lazy)
I was on my way to class when a girl reached her foot out and tripped me. Well I guess my crutches.
"Ouch!" Said laying on the floor. "Haha that what you get for hurting yourself and getting all this attention." She said and she and her friends walked away laughing I tried to get up but  people kept passing by until one stopped. "Here let me help." A boys voice rang though the almost empty hall. "Thanks!" I said as he handed me my crutches and helped me up. "Thank you so much um.." I stuttered. "Nishinoya Yuu!" He stated. "Thanks Nishinoya my name is Shimizu Arimasu but you can call me Ari." I said as I looked into his big brown eyes I didn't even realize I was blushing and the bell had rang. "Oh I better get going to class he said and walked away."
Noya's POV
She was beautiful but I can't figure out why her name sounded familiar.
Ari's POV
Its strange how I have never seen that boy before. But I guess I should head to class. The Teacher didn't ask why I was late and I just sat in the back and listened to the lesson.
Skip to the end of the day
It was finally the end of the day so I made my way out to the boys gym which I had never been into and saw Kiyoko. "Hey sis!" She yelled as I walked in. "So this is your sister?" A man with short brown hair said. "Yeah this is Arimasu but she goes by Ari and Ari this is Daichi!" She says "it's nice to meet you." He says another guy walks up. "Hey Suga!" Daichi says. "Hey Daichi hey Kiyoko who is this?" Suga says. "This is my little sister Ari and Ari this is Sugawara!" Kiyoko said. "Nice to meet you." Sugawara and I reply to each other at the same time. Then we both started laughing. Kiyoko then looked at my and started pointing out me people. "The one over there is Tsukishima!" She said pointing to a tall boy with glasses. "Those two are Hinata and Kageyama." She said looking at two boys who were setting up the net. "The one getting the balls out is Yamaguchi. She said "And those three are Ennoshita, Narita, and Kinoshita." As everyone started to warm up two more ran in. "Those two are Tanaka and Nishinoya." She Said as I said Nishinoya at the same time.
"Wait you know Nishinoya?" Kiyoko questioned. "Yeah he helped me earlier." I responded.
Suga's POV
"Tanaka Noya really" Daichi scolded them.
"Sorry." They both said. But then I saw something Nishinoya looked up at Ari and blushed the only person to ever make noya blush that I know of was Kiyoko. The funny thing is Ari doesn't even really look like Kiyoko except that both have the same eyes. Strange.

Totally forgot about Asahi but he was there oops..

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