Hello again

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Ari's POV
I the practice was going great it's strange how some of the people are second years and the first time I have seen them is today. I don't really have many friends I just kinda was doing my own thing.

Soon practice was over and Kiyoko to told me to go to the group circle, "Okay everyone you know Kiyoko but you may not know her." Daichi said. "That is Arimasu or Ari is what she prefers she is Kiyoko's sister." He said. I smiled and waved. Them the whole team said "Hello." I guess Kiyoko said something about wanting to become a manger or he wouldn't being doing this. After that they started cleaning up while I was talking to Suga. "So you want to become a manger?" He asked "Yeah well I was Libero for the girls team but I got injured and now I can't play anymore because my body can't withstand another injury like that. So my sister thought this was a good way to keep me involved in volleyball." I explained. "Well it seems like Daichi agrees so you will be a manger." Suga said. "Yeah I will tell everyone next week that's why I was coming to practices. Anyway bye Suga!" I said walking out the door. I stood there waiting for Kiyoko. It was kinda cold and I shivered. "Hey are you cold?" A voice said behind me. "Nishinoya? Um hi and not really." I said trying to play it off. "You are to cold you are shivering." he said handing me his jacket. "Thanks but aren't you going to be cold." I asked. "Nah I'm warm from practice!" He said.

"I had no idea you were Kiyoko's sister." He said. "Yeah we don't really look alike so people don't think anything of it." I said. "Yo noya we got to go!" Tanaka said walking out of the gym. "Okay see you later then!" Nishinoya said as he walked away. "Nishinoya wait you're jacket!" I yelled. "It's cool keep it until tomorrow. I don't want you to get cold!" He said with a smile. I blushed and thanked him.

Third person POV
"Noya what was that about?" Tanaka asked with a smirk. "Huh what are you talking about Ryu?" Noya responded. "You let Ari keep your jacket and you barely know her. That's all." "I just wanted her to be warm ." Noya shot back quickly. "Whatever man." Tanaka reply's.

Ari's POV
Kiyoko returned and it was time to go. "Who's jacket is that?" Kiyoko asked. "It's Um Nishinoya's." "Nishinoya's?" She said back to me. "Yes Nishinoya's he said he didn't want me to be cold." I said in an annoyed manner. Then we continued to go home. When we got home we at dinner and then I took a shower and went to bed.

***next morning***

My alarm was going off again I really hated that thing but I still got up and got ready. Then I went down stairs and ate breakfast. "Honey, did you forget?" My mom asked. "Forget what?" I asked back. "You have a doctors appointment before school today." She said. " Oh I did forget then." I said. "Well we have to get going." " Kiyoko honey don't be late for school." My mom yelled up stairs. "I won't!" My sister yelled back. Then i got in the car and went to the doctor. My mom and I sat in the waiting room for a while but then someone called me in. After the nurse did her thing we waited for the doctor. After awhile the doctor finally came in. "So it seems you don't need the cast anymore or the crutches but you will need a brace for awhile." The doctor said firmly. "However I don't recommend you play volleyball at all for this season or next season so your leg has time to rebuild its self." He continued. The doctor then took off the cast and put on the brace. My mom and I then left and I went to school.

I got to school around and lunch so I went to the cafeteria and waited. My sister then walked in and saw the brace. "Looks like good news!" She said hugging me. "Yeah but I can't play volleyball while in high school due to restrictions." I said. Kiyoko then invited me to sit with and the volleyball club at lunch so I did. I sat next too Kiyoko. Then someone tapped my shoulder. "Is this seat taken?" Nishinoya said with a grin. "No." I said and looked away and blushed. He sat down and I handed him his jacket. "Thanks!" He said.

Skip to the end of the day and to practice

I walked into practice and it was great because I could finally help because I was no longer on crutches. I was so excited. Practice was long but I was interested by a spiky haired Libero. "No I can't be crushing on Nishinoya I can't be!" I mumbled to myself. "What was that?" Kiyoko said curiously. "Oh um nothing!" I said while waving my arms. Practice just went on as I continued to think.

Soon practice was over and I heard people calling my name. I turned around to see the second years. "Hey Ari, we were wondering if you wanted to walk with us home?" Tanaka said will the others nodding. I glanced at Kiyoko who gave me a thumbs up and I left will them. Ennoshita, Narita, and Kinoshita walked in front and Tanaka, Nishinoya, and I walked in back.

Third person POV
They three in back talked about various things like volleyball. Then Tanaka brought up the science test next week. "So Noya, how do you feel about the science test coming up?" Tanaka asked. "Not too bad actually. Science is one of my better topics." Noya replied. " How about you Ari?" Noya asked as Ari looked like she had seen a ghost. "Well um I'm not that good at science so I'm kinda panicking." She replied. "Well you could always come study will is at my house. All the second years on the team do!" Tanaka said while looking in front of him at the other second years. Before Ari could Tanaka added "That might be because they all get good grades and want Noya and I to pass so we can keep playing volleyball though." "That is actually really smart. I would love to come!" Ari said as she turned to walk down the road that led to her house. "Hey Ari, wait!" Noya yelled while running away from the group. "What's up?" She replied curiously. "Um can I get your number?" He said while starting to blush but some how she didn't notice. "Yeah sure!" She said as she grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it done. "Here!" She said handing it to Noya. Then he ran back to the group.

Ari's POV
I finally got home and went straight up stairs. I walked in my room. Closed the door and jumped on my bed. As I was laying there my phone started to vibrate.

Unknown number: Hey it's Nishinoya!!😁

                                            Me: Oh hey Nishinoya!

Noya: So um wyd?

                                             Me: I just got home
and I'm waiting for my mom to finish dinner. Hbu?

Noya: Just wanted to let you know we are studying at Tanaka's tomorrow after practice.

I then heard my mom call my name for dinner.

                                                Me: My mom just called me for dinner. Gtg.

Noya: Okay see you tomorrow then!

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