Chapter 5 - Unraveling the Past

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"Beth. Can I talk to you in private?" Franta asks me.

I look at Livia, who just shrugs. I stand up, trying to ignore the steam coming out of Cass's ears and follow Franta into the empty hallway.

"First thing, just call me Connor. I hate when people call me Franta and I hate when people call me Connor. I'd rather you call me Connor, though."

I nod, unable to comprehend what's happening. His voice is in my mind.

She doesn't remember me. Of course she doesn't. I can't possibly explain this to her without telling her exactly what happened. Maybe I'll just leave that part out.

What is he talking about?

"Connor, what's going on? You called me Bethers."

"We knew each other. We were actually best friends." His smile is sad. "In middle school. I lived next to you. I went to your house every day. I called you Bethers. You called me Connor. Everyone else called me Franta. I hate when people call me Connor because that name was reserved for you and my parents. Only. This probably sounds crazy." He shakes his head.

"Keep going," I say, wanting to know the truth. My memories had been clouded. I want them back. "Tell me."

"We spent every hour of every day together. We flimed stupid videos together when we were about thirteen, and eventually we became famous. We were able to do everything together, in fame. On YouTube. People on the streets recognized us.

"And then one day you were given the choice to move to New York. To start a fashion line. To extend your abilities. And I remember the day you made your decision. You came running to me. You said you didn't want to go. You said you couldn't leave me. I didn't want you to go either. But you had your whole life ahead of you. You didn't need me anymore.

"I don't want to tell you this. I've been avoiding you ever since..." His voice trailed off.

"Why were you avoiding me?" I demand. "What happened? Ever since what?"

He sighs. "The accident."

"My car accident," I breath.

He nods.

"Please continue. I want to know the truth."

"You lost your memories of the past five years. The doctors said your memory would come back, as long as someone told you about them. As long as someone sat you down and told you every detail they wanted you to remember of what you lost. But, Beth, I didn't want you to hold yourself back because of me. I wanted you to live your life.

"So you didn't tell me that you were my best friend," I mumble.

He has actual tears sliding down his cheeks. "I told your parents not to mention me. You didn't know who I was. You didn't have anything holding you back. You moved to New York. I stayed here. I quit YouTube because I didn't want to do it without you."

"Oh my god..."

"This morning, when I saw you. You told me your name was Beth. You looked familiar. But you've changed so much. I told you my name was Connor, just in case you really were you. But your smile remained the same, polite and unknowing. So I left. I denied any thought that it was really you. Until you said I looked familiar.

Flashes of my life scatter through my head. A boy and a girl, in front of a camera, smiling. A boy and a girl, walking on stage, waving. A boy and a girl, in a hospital room. A boy and a girl. Her face blank. His face sorrowful.

I look up at him, recognition flooding my insides. "Connor. It's you."

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