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"Are you 100% sure?" 

"Yes," I told my parents.

They smiled sadly at me. "Okay, we'll see you in a few weeks for Sectionals. Have a safe flight!"

I hugged my parents and Masha and then headed to security where Katya's mom was waiting for me.

"You know you don't have to do this," Katya's mom told me, giving me the same look my parents were giving me just moments earlier.

"I know. But I should, and I want to." I stole a last backwards glance at my family. 

"Do you want me to tell Brian your proposal or would you like to do that yourself?"

I swallowed. It's time for me to grow up and take responsibility for my own decisions. "I'll tell him myself."


Surprisingly, Brian agreed to my new arrangement. After Nationals (if I am fortunate enough to advance that far once more), I will return home to Boston and continue my free trial of lessons with him through FaceTime. 


"Roo! You okay?"

"I'm okay, I think." I tried to get up, but it was difficult for me to try putting weight on my right ankle. I must have twisted it from underrotating my triple Lutz. 

It was 6:30 am and only Yuzuru and I were on the ice. Thank goodness for that, because if Brian were here he would totally freak out on me for trying the triple Lutz when he told me specifically not to. 

I really wanted to make it to Nationals. I had to miss another chance to go last year, and I didn't want to lose another chance because I didn't have enough technical points. I had been working on increasing my program components, but that could only get me so far. Apart from the triple Axel (which very few female figure skaters can do), the triple Lutz is the triple jump that earns female skaters a lot of points if executed well. 

Yuzuru gave me a knowing look. "You did triple Lutz. Didn't Brian tell you not to?" 

"I know, I know. But I can't win without that jump! Unh!" I grunted when I tried to get up on my own again.

The man held out his gloved hand, and I took it. He pulled me up with a strong heave and brought me to the boards.

"What are we going to tell Brian?" I asked, worried. 

"The truth?" Yuzuru suggested.

I pouted. "I'll get in so much trouble! He'll probably even make me withdraw from Sectionals."

"You will have to if you don't take care of this," Yuzuru replied matter-of-factly.

"I know!" I piped up. "I've sprained this ankle before just from doing a triple rotation jump off-ice. I can tell him that!"

"You know Brian can just take camera and see the truth, right?"

"Then how come he hasn't said anything to me about it yet? Like me practicing the triple Lutz behind his back?" We started to unlace my skates.

"He trust you." Since my shoes were in the locker room and I was slightly disabled, Yuzuru had to carry me there. We had an awkward time trying to choose between piggy back and bridal style; we later went with the latter so it would be less likely for Yuzuru's back to give.

He helped me tie my shoes even though I didn't need help with that. It was kind of cute, him babying me and all. I enjoyed it despite my unfortunate situation.

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