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I was sitting on my bed binge watching some animes when suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the screen and saw the name showing. "My Lix💜💜"

I picked up to here his tired yet cheerful voice.

"Hello baby how are you?"

"I'm fine what about you? You seem quite tired are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm tired, but it's no big deal. With all the promotions going on it can get really exhausting... It's not the first time tho, so we're all used to it by now."

"If you're ok than it's good! Promoting is not always easy, but I know you are all do really well!!"

"Thank you. We're all doing our best to make Stays happy. After all it's thanks to them that we could come this far."

"You have such a kind heart, I sometimes ask myself how you ended up liking me..."

"There are things that just happen, you know. Especially And in this case I ended up falling for you."

"Life has it's own rules I guess..."

"Yeah it does. It's more interesting that way tho."

"It is."

We both paused for a little before I started speaking again.

"I want to see you, Lix..."

"Me too, baby, me too..."

"Long distance is hard..."

"It is but we managed to get through it and I know it'll work out."

"I still want to see you tho... When will we be able to meet..?"

"I don't really know to be honest. I have to look with our schedules and all that crap. I also have to look with Chan, he probably wants to see Kya as well."

"Okay... I hope it'll be soon..."

"I do too. *yawns*"

"Lix you should really stop calling me when it's like really late in Korea! It's not good for you, you need proper sleep and sleep schedules."

"I just like to hear your voice before going to sleep. It's kinda soothing to me."

"Awww that's cute of you. Now go to sleep I don't want you dead tired during your next schedule!"

"Okay... Goodnight beautiful."

"Goodnight my Lix."

I hung up and went back to watching my anime. I couldn't really focus on what I was watching tho. I was imagining different scenarios of our meeting in real life. I can't wait until this day comes!!

Hiiii everyone

First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 10K LIKE OMG HOW?! . <3 

I actually never thought that people would like my story, but apparently you like it so thank you sooooooooooo much.

How's your day going?
I'm bored right now:(

I hate not knowing what to do.

Imma be honest I kinda used myself as inspiration for (Y/N) in this chapter... Just a bit (actually a lot more) soft and gentle cuz it's not exactly how you can describe me...

I don't know my personality is pretty boyish at times. That's probably why a lot of girls don't really like me🤷🏻‍♀️

I don't care I have my friends and in worst case I can still go talk to the boys. At least they kinda like me I guess😅😂

Why do I always end up rambling about my life on here...?

Sorry 'bout that😅😅

Imma stop now because there's no point on me continuing to ramble like that...

Anyways see ya ✌🏻


Secret Account - Lee Felix FFWhere stories live. Discover now