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She felt her heart picking up and her breath turning breathless

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She felt her heart picking up and her breath turning breathless. She could feel the sensation shooting from her core. Her eyes fluttered just as she felt current shooting from her clit. Her whole body felt on fire. Ronja looked down only to see her body completely exposed and a head between her thighs. A moan erupted from her mouth as he seemed to feast on her. Her breath hitched as she felt her walls clamp onto his finger and tongue. Nails digging into the bedding, she opened her legs, encouraging him to do more. And that he did so much more, that her whole body felt on fire. With hand tugging his braids whole body trembling, and a rough groan, she came all over his face.

Ivar picked up his head a sly grin on his face while his lips were still glistening from her juices. And then he claimed her as if he didn't do it the night before.


"What are you thinking about?" Ronja asked from the small table her stew rested at. She was so hungry that she knew the stew was going to be gone within minutes. Ivar laid naked on the bed, his arms behind his head. He looked relaxed, and a satisfied look was on his face.

"You." Ronja chuckled lightly.

"I'm thinking about marriage." She choked on the potato, her eyes widening. She did not expect that.

"Stop joking about this." Ronja leaned into the chair and slowly picked on her bread.

"I am not joking." A sigh escaped her lip before she stood up. Her hand fastened her vest. "You will see me at the training ground, if you find it, getting my ass kicked." With that, she left him behind, not caring what he was screaming after her. Marriage?! Her throat tightened only on the thought of it. Taking a deep breath, she tried her best to compose herself before she stepped out of the longhouse.


"It's quite unbelievable. You in a relationship with someone who can actually talk." A growl emitted from Ronja's throat. She charged striking with her left ax. "At least I have someone to warm my bed." Irvina laughed, her sword blocking every strike she threw.

"Oh yes, because a killer is a perfect attribute to a relationship." Ronja scoffed, her body turning as she delivered a turning kick to her chest, sending her backward.

"He is an attribute in bed," Ronja answered as a matter of fact. Irvina laughed as she went into an offensive stance.

"As Sigrún said, it's fate." Another scoff left her lips. You will find it without looking for it, the one who shall call himself God. An unsettling feeling came over her.

"Not everything is set in stone, we decide what we want to do!" Both women not only fought with their weapons but also with their beliefs.

"Then how can you explain that you found yourself in his company." Ronja pushed into her space, pushing Irvina's hand with her weapon up and then pushing the hilt of her ax into her ribs. "Revenge brought me there, not Gods." Irvina bent down trying to catch her breath.

"Yes, but who gave the idea into Ivar's head and who made him choose the woman. Gods!" Her exclaim was loud for some passing by to spare them a look. Ronja's eyes moved around, landing on Ubbe, who seemed to be drinking his sorrows away. The bear-like man had probably enough of life. Then her sight settled on another man who only made her life harder. Frode was sitting opposite of Ubbe, he was eagerly drinking from his horn. Irvina patted her shoulder.

"You should not feel guilty, after what happened, we all found escape differently." Ronja closed her eyes, she felt guilty, and nothing could stop that feeling. Marching across the field, she did her best to approach the men with a calm mask. On the inside, she was anything but calm, her insides were churning, and she felt like heaving.

"Frode, Ubbe." Her greeting sounded fake even to her ears. She should've stayed in bed. Maybe even have another round with Ivar. Even discussion of marriage sounded better than this conversation that appeared one-sided. Frode looked up at her, his eyes squinting as if he still couldn't believe she was there.

"I came to apologize." The light brunette stood up, his broad shoulders squaring as he made his way to her. His huge posture attracted her once, now it made her nervous. A very uncomfortable feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.

A forced laugh bubbled out of his throat. "For how you left without a goodbye, I mean, after a year of sharing a bed, I expected at least a nod." Now the guilt was eating her alive, a scoff left him as he breathed his breath across her face. He smelt of alcohol, which meant he was probably sitting here since morning. His look slid over her posture before he scoffed in her face and turned around. He stumbled slightly before trying to regain his dignity as he pushed a person out of his way.

"You made your peace." A gravelly voice said from behind her, and a startled yelp left her lips. The blonde woman before her always sent chills down her spine. Ronja hated how her black eyes searched over her. As if she knew everything about her.

"You walk like a ghost." Ronja turned around, trying to escape the woman before she started a conversation. She hated anyone who proclaimed they could speak for the Gods. Well, not hated more like shunned, but she believed that she could dictate her own life and not fate.

"As I said, you have made your peace your Fate is not tied with his anymore." A growl rippled past her lips. The woman was following her. "And I also see you have found what I prophesied." Ronja turned around her eyes murderous.

"I chose to go there," she emphasized the I as she growled after her sentence. Sigrún laughed before making a line with her bare toe.

"Stop following me and stop trying to whisper in my ear. I am not Irvina you can't manipulate me." Sigrún only smiled before she leaned onto her staff.

"You should visit a bjargrýgr, get checked I can see your insides convulsing." Ronja breathed through her nose and turned around. Her steps were fast if it wouldn't look suspicious she would've sprinted out of this place. Why would she need to talk to a helping-woman? Those were only for pregnancies. 

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