Chap 7

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My family's sudden demise left so many questions in my little mind . I was devastated . The morning  found a broken me and a zillions of questions in my itu 🤏🏻 sa mind . I woke up rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand , my eyes were swollen and my whole body was paining.

mumbling "maa , papa" I went out of my room to find so many people sitting there on the ground wearing white dresses . Was it holi today , my little mind overjoyed at the thought . Of course I remembered every bit of the day before , how can I forget a day that gave me SO MANY pains .but being a child , I thought it was a Bad dream and that my maa and papa will be standing there with dhruv waiting for me.

I quickly washed my self and went in the hall to find everyone's eyes on me . Was I looking bad or do I look like zombie or an alien. I saw my chachi standing there , she came towards me and picked me up in her arms . "Where's maa and papa" I asked her not finding them near . She looked at me with a horror , guilt and some mix emotions which I couldn't decipher.she took me near their photo which was kept on a stage fully covered with white flowers . I saw it and kept on staring it without any thoughts in my mind , my face devoid of any emotions .

I was brought out of my world when i heard a car honk outside , all heads turned outside to see dadda momma and Ria coming inside my HOME. I leaped towards momma and hugged her tight . She hugged me back and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. "Why is maa and pa's photos there" I asked her backing away from the hug . She looked at me with sympathetic eyes. Horror struck on every inch of my body . This couldn't happen , god can't be this cruel to a 6 yr old , no it's a bad dream , I will get up now - these were the thoughts in my head , which were once again broken into a million pieces , I had to accept this , the reality , the reality that showed  that me parents aren't there with me , that papa won't be there to take me to park and complete all my wishes , that maa will no more scold me for using her makeup on my face and eating Dhruv's part of food, that my little brother won't be there to pull my hair . All these thoughts shook the inside of me and then everything blacked out .


"We will take her with us"
"She's a bad omen , it's better we leave her in an orphanage"
"How can u do this with her , we will take her"
"She's of our family we can take care of her"
"I very well know how will you take care of her"

I woke up hearing someone yelling and fighting in the room beside me. The things I heard made me shudder and my little head was pouncing like anything. But I was able to recognise the voices , it was dadda and my chachu . The thought of going to orphanage and leaving my home broke me once again if that was possible.
. "Kyra" someone whispered, I looked up to find Ria near my bed looking at me with a look that said "I'm here for you" she's elder than me , we were in different classes back then, she was a class above me . She always understood me , in that small age also she was there for me always . She shut the door and sat beside me hugging me . My face was devoid of any emotions , but I hugged her back . I hadn't cried after seeing my parents dead bodies. My eyes were drained of tears .
She patted my back and said "cry"   "Talk to me". "Tell me" and that was the limit , I started crying and sobbing in my sister's embrace , slowly and slowly my sobs became too loud and ugly but she held me , anyone of her age would have ran away from me , but she didn't , she kept hugging me and letting me cry "I-I do-don't kn-nn-ow......" I was not even able to speak something , there was so much in my mind that I needed to speak and take it all out but I wasn't able to . She calmed me down.
Maybe due to my loud ugly sobs , dadda and momma with the whole family came running inside my room . I wasn't able to sense anything , couldn't understand what was happening. They all sat beside me calming me down , I cried just cried for I dunno how many hours . They stood by me , beside me ....

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