He can't speak- part 3

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A part 3 to he can's speak was requested by SidTheKid526. It's not all that good and it's kinda short but, here you go. I hope that you enjoy it.

It was difficult for Peter to get used to a life of being mute.

After that fateful night upon a rooftop with Doctor Octopus Peter was forced to adjust to life without his voice. A month had passed since then. The external damage had healed and so had any outward signs of anything being wrong

According to the cover story that Fury had concocted, he had been the victim of a mugging and one of the muggers had attempted to choke him, thus causing all of the damage to his body. The fact that it was so close to the truth stung but he couldn't pinpoint exactly why this was though.

What hurt Peter the most was not that his voice was lost, although that was still so incredibly painful, but that his friends had abandoned him. He didn't have many friends and three of the six people he had considered friends had begun to completely ignore him. Half of his friends left him. At least the three that stayed more than made up for the ones that left.

At least one of Harry, MJ and Danny were always by his side. Whether it was learning sign language with him or ensuring that he went to his checkups or going with him to therapy sessions, be they S.H.I.E.L.D. mandated or the ones that Norman had insisted on paying for. At least he wasn't alone.

Aunt May was helpful and supportive throughout the transition period. She sat with him for hours at night when he would cry, trying to work through the pain and confusion. She would stay with him until she could be sure that he was feeling better and helped him move forwards with his life. It was late one night, as he was drifting off to sleep after a crying session, that Peter heard his aunt whisper in his ear that she knew he was Spider-Man and that she wouldn't stop him.

On the day that he had gone back to training, the team had been told by Coulson of his inability to speak but that had only triggered an open hostility from most of the team- how could they communicate in a fight if one of the team members couldn't talk? When the suggestion of just trying to work something out had been brought up it was immediately discarded. Why would anyone expect them to figure out a way to make a liability an asset? It was a stupid idea and the three newest members of the hate Spider-Man club mad this though known. That was why the team had split into two.

At first, Coulson had tried to insist that the two groups should work together to little effect. Fury made the decision to split the team. Luke, Ava and Sam as a small team with Luke as the leader and Danny and Peter as a pair.

Crime-fighting wasn't too different after Spider-Mans required recovery time. His communicator was fitted with a keyboard for sending messages, text to speech software and a second emergency-alert which he could activate when he needed someones attention but it wasn't a full emergency. The general populace didn't seem to care that the wall crawling hero had stopped speaking.


It was a year after he lost his voice and a lot had changed.

Over the course of the year he had become more accepting of his new life. Sure, it came with its own problems and issues but at least he no longer had to worry about being asked to read to the class or how to pronounce words in Spanish.

He had tried to talk in the first few months out of habit but he had stopped trying over time. His throat had mostly recovered now but it was still unlikely that he would be able to verbally say anything ever again.

Peter was glad that his interactions with his old team members were now scarce. He didn't seek them out and they avoided him. No need to cause further upset.

He had made friends with Flash in a strange turn of events. One of Peters classmates was making fun of Peter in one of the hallways and Flash had helped Peter. Apparently, it wasn't appropriate to bully someone because of a disability (at least when Flash's code of ethics was applied). The once bully had apologised and slowly moved into friend territory.

Spider-Man and Iron Fist became recognised heroes by the Avengers and became part time members of the grown-up superhero team.

Peter and Danny had braved telling MJ and Harry about their superhero antics and maintained their friendship throughout each goblin attack and lizard rampage. There were arguments and fights between the friends but they didn't drift apart. Life was good.


It was now ten years since Peter lost his voice.

He was now an adult. He had graduated high school, graduated collage and now he was a full time Avenger, alongside Danny, Flash (as agent venom) and Harry (as the Iron patriot).

MJ had pursued her dreams of becoming a journalist. She wrote empowering stories about the superheroes of New York city and emotionally charged stories about crime victims and the homeless. In short, she had made a name for herself doing what she loved.

Peter no longer felt bitter or upset by his lack of voice. It was still a barrier in communication but he found that it didn't bother him as much as it once did. He had moved on and was now looking towards the future with a smile. They say that time heals all wounds and, while that may be an exaggeration, it does take the edge off and allow for recovery.

With that in mind, Spider-Man swung out over the city to face the threat of the weak with his grin hidden secretly under his mask.

I hope that you liked it. Feel free to comment with any requests that you have.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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