Chapter 1

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It's your one year anniversary. You look down at your left hand. You never get tired of looking at it. That ring. How he knew you'd love it so much, you'll never know, but you're sure glad he did.

You start to make him breakfast in bed as he'd done for you when you were dating. Then you hear him come down the stairs, "good morning, beautiful," he gives you a peck on the lips. Even in the morning, he's so handsome. I love this man.

"You ruined it. I was going to bring you breakfast in bed," you turned to him after turning off the stove. "I can go back up there. You know what, I'm sleep walking," he turns around and walks back up the stairs, fake snoring.

You put the finishing touches on the tray and take it to him. He's laying under the covers. When the door opens, he sits up and pretends to just be waking up, "good morning, (f/n). Breakfast in bed. You shouldn't have."

"Well, you've done it to me before. I figured I'd repay the favor." He smirks at you, even after being with him for this long that smirk still gets you. Everything about him does. His voice as smooth as jazz. His hair, which he always styled just how you liked it now, was as soft as kittens. Everything about him was perfect. How did I get so lucky?

You turn to walk out of the room and leave him to his breakfast and so you can clean the kitchen, when you hear his sweet voice, "(f/n), will you stay here with me?" You nod, "of course, Marki."

He shared his food with you. "You know I still remember every moment we've ever had together," he looked deep into your eyes. "Me too," you smile at him.

"This past year has been the absolute best of my entire life," Mark says, never breaking eye contact. "Mark, you're gonna make me cry."

"I don't mean to make you cry. I just love thinking back on our life together. I know it's only been a year long technically, but I feel like I've known you forever. It's like a beautiful romance novel. I love reading it over and over again," a tear finds it's way down your cheek at his words. He wipes it away with his thumb and leaves his hand caressing your cheek.

"You make me a better man. And I can never be deserving of you. You may think it's the opposite but I assure you it isn't," you can't take it anymore. You kiss him. Despite how frequent it happens now, the fireworks never fail to come. That feeling of new love has yet to fade. It is the best feeling in the world. "Mark," you break away, "you will never know just how much I love you. Always have, always will," a moment passes, "don't you start crying too." You can see his eyes start tearing up.

"You've made this the best year ever. I love you," he whispered to you.

In One Year (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now