Chapter 3 At First Sight

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You had just gotten out of the shower. Today, your little sister was getting married. You were happy for her, despite being single yourself. Jealously only hit you once, when you saw the ring for the first time. Why is she getting married first. I want that.

You put on some relatively comfortable clothes that still looked presentable. You grabbed your makeup bag, your dress, her dress and other essential items. You drive over to the hotel she was staying at. You stayed at home since you only lived an hour away, you didn't see much sense in getting a room at a hotel.

You grabbed all of your stuff out of your car and headed to the elevator. When it opened, you saw her groom and his friends. You nodded and smiled politely. You really liked him, he was good to your sister. You notice some of his groomsmen were actually really cute. The doors shut and they all exit your mind.

You get up to her room and get everything ready. She requested you do her makeup since you do so well at it. You've thought about doing it for a living but you still weren't sure. You didn't know what you wanted to do with your life. You know at 23 years old you should have it figured out by now but you just can't decide.

After her makeup and hair were all done, she put on her dress. You quickly did your makeup while she got her hair done, sliding into your dress at the last second. Maid of honor's got to be fast and on your toes.

Everything was ready. You drove her over there along with four other bridesmaids piled in the backseat. Before she got out of the car, you ran around the inside of the event hall and made sure the groom was nowhere to be found. You came out and gave her the all clear.

Everything between then and the ceremony was a blur. It was so hectic. You wanted all the pressure and stress on you rather than her. It was her special day after all.

You made sure all the groomsmen were paired with the correct bridesmaid. Just before you had to walk down the aisle, you walked over to the best man, wrapping your arm around his. "Hi, I'm (f/n). I'm the brides sister," you breathed a little heavier than usual because you've been going nonstop since you woke up. "I'm, Danny. The grooms best friend," he smiled at you.

The ceremony was beautiful. Her dress was a gorgeous princess ball gown. You teared up several times during it. You couldn't help it. Your little sister wasn't a baby anymore. She's all grown up.

You didn't have to do much at the reception. Everything was already planned out and all you had to do was enjoy yourself.

It was a big party. It wasn't raunchy, it was very tasteful but not a snobby event. It was probably the most fun you've had in a long time. She came over to you when you say down after dancing, "thank you so much. This would've never have went this smoothly without you," she hugged you. "Anything for my sister," you smiled as she went back to her new husband.

You sat at the round table by yourself, soaking everything in. The tall centerpieces were beautiful branches with crystal jewels hanging from them. Pictures of them all around each table. You admired the one directly in front of you. It was a picture from when he proposed to her. Her hands covering her mouth, her eyes filled with tears of pure joy. They were standing in a park in the fall when the leaves were just beginning to change colors and gracefully make their decent to the ground. I can't wait for my turn.

Pondering the thought more, you realized you weren't really ready for a real relationship yet. You need to figure out the rest of your life first. You don't even have a well established career yet. You aren't even sure what you want it to be.

Holding the picture of the engagement in your hand, you look up across the room. You see a slightly familiar face. Where do I know him from? You know you've seen this man before but you can't put your finger on where. Then it hits you, this morning when you were getting into the elevator.

He gives you a half smile, more along the lines of a smirk. You feel your cheeks start to blush as you smile back and look over at your sister. You get a burst of courage and stand up, and walk over to him.

His table is empty, too, so you take a seat next to him. "Hi," you say, "you looked lonely over here." "A little. All the other guys are with their dates," he motions toward the dance floor where at least a dozen couples are slow dancing.

"Where's yours?" you question. "I didn't bring a date," he answers looking down at the table, seemingly embarrassed. "I didn't either," you say hoping to make him feel better. He perks up, it worked. "Really? That's surprising," you look at him confused. "You're just so... pretty, I figured you'd have a date," you've never been called pretty by a total stranger. You laugh, "if you don't even have a date, there's no chance of me having one," hoping he gets that you're trying to call him hot.

"Since neither of us have anyone, would you like to dance?" he asks. "Sure," you both stand up and walk over to the dance floor. The initial slow song had ended, the DJ then played another one.

You danced with the mysterious stranger, thinking it would be awkward but it wasn't. It was actually very sweet. "I'm sorry, I never got your name," he says. "(F/n) (l/n)," you tell him, "and yours?" "Mark. Mark Fischbach," he seems a little hesitant about telling you, he even shutters a little when you get a little twinkle in your eye in recognition, "Fischbach? You're the groom's brother?" His face looks relieved, "yes." "I'm the bride's sister," you explain. He smiles, reminding you of a crescent moon.

You two continue talking as you danced in perfect unison to Ed Sheeran's 'Kiss Me.'

The rest of the night, you stayed right by his side, talking, laughing, flirting.

Before you headed home, you exchanged numbers, "I'll text you tomorrow," you promised. "Looking forward to it," he said as you got in your car. You waved goodbye and he mirrored your action. You couldn't stop thinking about him the rest of the night. His image stayed blissfully on your mind until you slowly drifted to sleep.

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