Chapter 16 That's Cold

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After returning home, Christmas time loomed closer and closer. You told Mark no presents this year. And you're serious.

Since Mark had surprised you so many times since you met him you decided to try your hand at surprising him. You planned a special date. You told him you had plans, but no matter how much he begged you wouldn't tell him. He tried begging, bribing, and teasing. None of which worked.

"You'll just have to wait and see," you'd tease. "Surprises are my thing!" he'd rebuttal. You'd give him a look that scream seriously.

That Saturday, you had to put your plan into action. The entire day Mark continued to bother you about what you could possibly be planning.

Around noon, you told him to get in the car. You drove him to one of his favorite restaurants and sat there talking for almost two hours.

"This was great, (f/n). Thank you," he said as you were walking out the door. "It's not over yet," his face looks confused. Moments later, his face tells you he may have just figured it out, "do I know what this is?" He smirks.

"I highly doubt it," you get to the car and hop in. "So it's not..." he trails off, raising his eyes brows. You know exactly what he's thinking, "it's not that Mark." His face looks slightly disappointed. Him trying not to show it.

You drive over to the ice skating rink. You weren't sure if he's ever done this before but you figured you see if he likes it. "Where are we?" he asks. "I don't know. Let's go in and see."

His face lights up when he sees the inside. "I've never been ice skating before!" He proclaims. You go to the counter and get skates. You help each other tie the laces and then you're off.

Mark stepped onto the ice first. He seemed to keep his balance easily. You got this. You plant one foot then try to place the other one, slipping. You close you eyes tight, expecting the ice to hurt you, but it doesn't. You don't even hit the ice. You're suddenly seated of the warmth wrapped around you. Mark had caught you.

You were positioned in a dip motion. You smiled, "thanks, Mark." He stares deeply into your eyes for just a second, then leans down to meet his lips with yours. The heat of him being so close is so comforting.

He helps you find your balance. You skate, hand in hand, for who knows how long.

"I loved that. It was so fun!" Mark almost yells. "I'm glad you had fun," you handed the skates to the man behind the desk.

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