Chapter 19 The Announcement

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You're two and a half months along and so far, pregnancy has not been kind. Morning sickness had turned into all day sickness. Cravings are constant and don't go away. Your breasts feel, and probably look, giant. You doubt Mark has a problem with the last part but he's still sympathetic, "it'll all be worth it."

He's already been so helpful. Late night craving, he jumps in the car. Morning sickness at 3 in the afternoon, he's holding your hair back.

Three months along

Mark has woken up earlier than you as usual. You get up and walk down the stairs. He's cooking breakfast, "you ruined the surprise. I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed." you smile at each other. "Well I'm up now so we can just eat together," you grab a piece of bacon, put it in your mouth and begin to walk away.

"(F/n), hold on a second. Turn back around," Mark says putting the last egg on a plate. You give him a confused look, "what is it?" "Turn to the side," he motions his finger. You do as your told and look at him. What is he doing.

"Pull your shirt back a little," you pull the loose fabric so it fits right over the front of your body. "Mark, what are you doing?" you ask. "I see it," he smiles, staring at you. "See what," you're still confused. "It's glowing," he comes over to you an places a hand on your stomach, "the baby. I can actually see it now."

You smile at him as he walks over to you and kisses you. He holds you away for him, "it's so much more real now." He looks down at your stomach.

Four months along

You have another doctor appointment today. You're going to find out the sex. Mark is so excited. He hasn't stopped smiling all day.

You arrive at the doctors office, after sitting in the waiting room for only a few minutes the doctor calls you back. You lay on the table and expose your stomach. The gel is cold when it touches your skin. You take hold of Mark's hand and look over and smile at him. The smile still on his face.

The ultrasound tech puts the camera on your stomach, then the image appears on the screen. She takes the measurements as she points out the specific details. A foot, the head, and it's private parts.

You look over at Mark. His face is in aww. His eyes are water. A single tear rolls down his cheek. You smile at him. "It's beautiful," he says, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Would you like to know the sex?" She asks. You look over at Mark, "it's up to you," he says. "Yes we would," you tell her. She looks at the screen for a moment, "it's a girl." You look a Mark again. More tears fill his eyes.

You cleaned the gel off your stomach and finished up at the office then went home. You called everyone you needs to to tell them the news.

When you got home, Mark went to his recording room. About ten minutes later he came back out, giving you a quick peck. "Are you up to something," you grin at him like he's already doing to you. "Nope. But maybe you should check out YouTube if you're suspicious," he goes over and sits on the couch. You stand in the kitchen and get to his channel on YouTube.

He has a new video posted. You watch it with your headphones in. He's talking about you and his new family. He announces the gender of the baby and talks some more. "So I just got back from the doctor with (f/n) and we found out that she's having a girl. Dear God wish me luck with two girls in my house. No but seriously, I'm so happy. I can even explain how I'm feeling right now. It's still unfathomable that I'm going to be a dad. Three years ago I never would've imagined my life would be like this but God am I glad it is. Anyway, in a few months we'll be on babyplier watch so stay tuned and I'll see you in the next video. Bye bye"

You take out your headphones. you look over at Mark. He's already smiling at you. He stands up and you rush over and wrap your arms around his neck. "I love you so much," you whisper. "I love you so much more."

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