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tw // mentions of abuse

minho wasn't okay.

he could hear his phone on the nightstand buzzing but he didn't care. he shouldn't care.

the dancer knew what he was doing was dumb but he couldn't bring himself to stop. he knew he could trust jisung- he was the one person he trusted the most- but his conscience was telling him to run.

last time he had full trust in someone, he got abused. he knew jisung wouldn't do that but he couldn't stop his instincts.

minho hadn't noticed the tears that were streaming down his face until a hard knock snaps him out of his daze.

"go away," min mumbles, his voice barely loud enough for the visitor to hear. the knocking continues causing the dancer to groan and make his way towards the door. he wipes at the tears and opens the door.

"what the fuck did you do to jisung?" an angry changbin yells, pushing his way past minho into the apartment. minho doesn't bother to answer and he instead makes his way to kitchen.


"black please."

minho pours changbin a cup of coffee and sets it in front of the ravenet, sitting across from him and sipping at his own tea. "i guess i have some explaining to do."

"you fucking think?"

min sighs and sets his cup down. "what i say stays between us, okay? i'm only gonna tell you the basics."

changbin gives minho a confused look but nods anyways.

"long story short, my ex was abusive. he hit me, cussed me out, blamed everything on me and-" min spews out, refusing to meet changbin's stare. he didn't want to say the next words but he had to. for jisung. "he raped me, multiple times."

changbin's eyes widen in shock and his hand makes its way to minho's. he gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"i was with him for a year and i came out with issues. i attempted suicide a few months before he finally got bored of me. i couldn't sleep without felix or hyunjin in the same room as me. i couldn't leave my apartment without constant fear he'd find me and drag me back into his clutches. i couldn't trust anyone besides lix, hyunjin and seungmin. surprisingly.

"i found comfort in listening to 3racha, actually. your songs helped me get through the hard times when i wanted to just end it all. so thank you for that," min laughs, but his laugh was obviously forced.

"i kinda became sorta dependent on jisung, i guess. his voice made me happy. when i texted him, i never expected him to answer. it scares me how much i trust him and all my instincts are telling me to run, to get out before i get hurt. i know he won't hurt me, but i just- i can't help it-"

minho had tears streaming down his face again and he wipes them away quickly. "i love jisung so much, hes my soulmate. i want to make things work between us but i'm holding back because of my ex. he ruined my life. i don't want jisung to have to deal with me and my issues. he deserves better."

changbin stood up and made his way to minho's side of the table. he pulls the elder into a tight hug, not letting go.

"he loves you so much, hyung" changbin says. "he's trying his best to help you and i think him knowing this would help it. i'm not pressuring you into telling him, but he loves you so much and he'll continue loving you."

minho nods, his head buried in bin's shoulder. "can you drive me over? i need to tell him."

a glimpse into min's backstory! <3

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