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Chapter Four

Sinclair Pearson

(Author note) You pronounce Katlyn name as ( Cat-lyn) not Kate loviessss

"Omg it's hot as fuck out here yo, who the fuck wanted to come here in the first place", KD complained as he wipe the sweat from his face.

"You always complaining go home then if it's too hot", Kat mugged him.

"I would if I could I ain't walking home the fuck I look like a marching band", KD gave her look.

"Yes you do now march yo ass home", Kat gave him a look back.

"I can't argue with bitches who have doo doo stains in they drawls", KD put his hand in her face and turned his head.

"I don't not-", not even wanting to speak no more Kat turned her head.

The group of friends was all chilling by the courts today watching Que and Saimir play basketball with the boys in the hood. It was hot today good thing Sinclair was dressed appropriate for the weather because the heat was coming down like nothing she was sure to get a tan after this.

"Girl I don't even know why you listen to him his annoying ass, why you not playing with the boys", Kassi asked KD.

"Lil girl do you not see how hot it is outside, I'm not trying to get burnt the fuck. I know Que and Mir out there melting", KD shook his head he was somewhat of a pretty boy as his family would say.

"Whew my baby look fine don't he with all that sweat on his body", Kassi eyed her man.

Kassi and Que been together since 9th grade. They were most definitely a unbreakable couple, even though they had they up and downs but what couple doesn't. They was never that off and on couple when things got bad they always talked it out and pushed through together. That's what made them so strong.

"Ew your dirty who thinks sweat is attractive", KD gave the disgusting face.

"Shut the fuck sometimes damn", Kassi yelled to him making him look at her like she was stupid.

"You know what, give me that fucking mic",

"Who the fuck you talking to babygirl", KD said as he held a fake mic in his hands.

Laughing Sinclair shook her head at them. KD always have her laughing he was just so funny sometimes. Looking out to the courts today was nice chill day. She had never been on this side of town before so she was really taking it in.

"You real like have issues KD", Braelyn said as she laughed a little bit.

"Lia is such a hoe look at her y'all trying to talk to Mir, he gonna play her like a bitch", Kat laughed, she was lowkey salty because she always had a slight crush on Mir but never spoke on it.

"Girl I heard her momma be fucking for crack", Braelyn said.

"She prolly do, that's what females do from the northside just ghetto", Kat shook her head.

"Uhm aren't you from the northside", KD asked her. Which she is but Kat always thought she was better than anyone from there.

"My lifestyle different from there is", Kat told him. Sinclair kind of felt some shade in her voice but she wasn't going to speak on it that wasn't none of business.

"Why you never speak all you do is laugh and be on your phone", Kat looked at Sinclair. Kat didn't like that Sinclair was always quiet it made her feel insecure like she was talking about her in her head or something.

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