CHAPTER 5 - One day, a Bright Idea Popped on my Head

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Hueningkai and the others sat down together for a meeting once again. For the past three days, they have been thinking of various solutions to their problem. "We tried everything. Are we really going to live like this forever now?" Taehyun eyed the others. Silence filled the room. Everyone looks very disheartened with everything that had happened. "Should we give up?" Hueningkai finally spoke. Maybe it is for the better. They have been trying things that it drained both of their strength and will to continue. "I am fine with whatever. As long as I get to be with Kai until the day I die." Soobin declared as he hugged Kai in front of the others. "Hmp, but I thought you like me, Soobinie!" Yeonjun exclaimed earning a gasp from each member including Soobin himself. The tallest looked at Kai with desperation, "It's not true! I just said that I'm not mad at him anymore for lashing things out at me." Yeonjun countered Soobin by saying that he even carried him to the car the other day while Beomgyu added that he heard their conversation and saw them hugging each other inside the car. Chaos. That left them no choice but to continue looking for a way to get their personalities back.

"So we really are sneaking inside the shop now? Are you guys for real?" Beomgyu whispered as they tiptoed towards the shop's back door. Hueningkai prepared his lockpick. He held the handle and it opened instantly. "What? Did they forget to lock the door? Well, this makes our task easier." They went inside leaving the door open. They used small flashlights to see in the dark room. Taehyun and Yeonjun were shivering, basically because they are both scared of the dark and, of course, being caught. "Operation find the bong, begin." All of these was Beomgyu's plan, well, leave out the breaking in part. He thought that acquiring the same bong can reverse the spell since it was mainly the reason why the exchange happened at the first place. They searched everywhere. Nothing. "Kai, are you sure you don't have it at the dorm?" Beomgyu asked. "No, I woke up with nothing on my hand. I swear, it suddenly lit up then, gone." After hearing that, small lights appeared. It shines and has different colors that it made the group stop searching for the bong. All the lights compressed into one, forming a shape of a lady. It's too bright that they can't even see her face. "You finally went here to look for my bong. I am really thankful for your help but," the form looked at Hueningkai. "Someone did something to it. A wish." Everyone looked at him. "No, no. It's okay. I know the reason behind your wish and, of course, the reason why you are here." The magical figure swirled her bong then, the boys' memories from the past three days went outside their heads. Pure confusion yet amazement dominated the members' faces. Hueningkai stopped admiring the memory balls and said, "Can you turn us back to normal? We really are having a hard time with our personalities mixed up." With that, the figure snapped her fingers, making the memory balls stop moving. "I would gladly help you. I haven't rewarded you yet for finding my bong and I'm a big fan of your group but ..." The boy's immediately dropped their smiles upon hearing the word 'but'. "All these memories, I'm taking it. Let's say that I'm going to fix you from the start."

The magical figure without leaving them alone at the shop gave them time to think of their response. "We need to accept the condition. It's not like she's taking away our friendship. It's just the memories starting from the day we exchanged personalities." Beomgyu said seriously but his eyes wavering and sad. "But, Soobinie and I made up." Tears flowing from Yeonjun's eyes as he continued, "Are we going to hate each other again?" Everyone was silent. They knew that what happened during the exchange are memories that strengthened their friendship and something that they should treasure. "Eung. Don't worry, Yeonjunie. I'll help you with getting close to Soobin once again after this. I promise I won't be scared of you anymore." Taehyun hugged him, trying not to cry. "I guess, it's decided then. I'll miss tagging along and taking care of you and only you, Kai." Kai hugged Soobin, followed by Beomgyu and the other two. The members hugged each other for a while before they gave their answer to the magical figure.

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