- Chapter 1 -

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I woke to the sound of my mother screaming, wondering what on earth may have happened. As I quickly rushed down the staircase, urgent to find out the cause of my mother's distress only to look up and see two tall, rough looking soldiers staring directly at me. Glancing at my mother's face of strange situation in front of me, I stood frozen, unable to move. Before I even realised what was happening, the soldiers grabbed me, tied up my hands and shoved me in the direction of the large front door, previously been smashed open by an axe. Not wanting to be captured, I squirmed and yelled in an attempt to get out of their sturdy grasp.

"No, don't taken him, have me instead," my mother yelled, clearly mortified by what is happening in front of her eyes.

Not listening to her pleas, one of the soldiers spoke to the other saying, "I'll take him, you go and find anything of value here."

Realising there was no way of escaping, I yelled to my mother, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Before being quickly pushed out the front door of my house.

I Looked up at my street I saw hundreds of other soldiers either breaking into the wealthier houses in Jerusalem, or pushing other young men in the same direction I was being led. Scanning further I saw my friends, and a small sense of relief came over me. At least we're going through this together, I thought.

Still confused at where these soldiers were taking us, I gained the courage to ask him, "Sir, where are you planning on taking us."

He replied by asking a question, "Where do you think?"

Realising it was probably best to stay quiet, I decided it was better to spend my time being pulled along, praying to God and trusting that his plan for me would soon unfold.


How much longer is this journey on foot? I thought. My feet were sore, and full of blisters and the soles of my shoes had completely worn through. Around 50 other young men like myself had been walking through the dry, hot terrain for a few days now. We weren't even allowed to speak to each other, and I hadn't been able to find where my friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah were located. I was also hungry, not to mention parched, and my throat felt as if it was burning from the lack of water they had given us.

I Looked up, and saw a large city in the distance and realised that was where we were heading, to Babylon, the dreaded Babylon. I had never been there before, or wanted to. The Babylonians were almost enemies of the Hebrews, so it made sense as to why these soldiers had captured so many strong, healthy young men from Jerusalem.

Knowing I wasn't as far from home as I had thought previously, I knew there may be a chance of escape.

When we finally reached Babylon, all of us men were brought to one of the court officials of the King. We were informed by the official that these first few years in Babylon was training to become servants of the King.

Those of us chosen from Judah had our names changed. Mine was changed to Belteshazzar, Hananiah's to Shadrach, Mishael's to Meshach and Azariah to Abednego.

Looking around, I saw a large table filled with mountains of food and wine, something that a king would eat. However, I knew I wouldn't be able to have it. It was different from what I ate a home, and I knew foods like pig and other meats would not nourish my body as we were told by God to not eat unclean meat.

Turning to my friends, I said, "We can't eat this food they have prepared for us. We must ask the official to serve us vegetables and water."

When I asked the man, he told me, "I'm sorry Daniel, I cannot do that for you, the king would have me killed if he saw any men looking under fed."

I pleaded with him, "Please, just for ten days. By the end, if we are not healthy like the rest of the men we will eat what the king serves us."

Reluctantly, the official agreed and brought vegetables and water to my friends and I. Relief flooded through me. Maybe living in Babylon would be so bad after all. I knew I would be able to escape, especially since the kingdom was surrounding by guards both day and night. And I had my closest friends with me. God was also watching over us.


The ten days were up, and looking around to where we were lined up, I could see that most of the men looked sick to the stomach. I smiled to myself, knowing God had been with me and my friends, and that I wasn't stuck eating unhealthy food and wine constantly.

The same official stood at the front of looked around, surprised by the outcome. He then ordered all one of the guards standing nearby to serve the young men only vegetables and water, rather than the other food and wine.

I silently prayed to God. Thank you, for blessing us, and for the compassion of the official towards us.

We were the all ordered by the official to head back to studying the language and literature of the Babylonians.


A few years later, after my time studying the laws of Babylon and learnt the language, one of the official took me to King Nebuchadnezzar, along with my friends.

Nervously, I stepped into the room unsure if he will think we are smart enough to serve him.

For hours it seemed like the kings tested us. I was surprised, all the questions he had asked I seemed to know the answer to. By the end, the king was impressed.

"You four are by far the smartest young men I have ever come across, ten times smarter than any enchanter or magician in my kingdom. I hereby declare for you to enter my service as advisors."

Thank you Lord, I prayed. I was so happy to know that God was still blessing me and caring for myself and my friends. 

Dan the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now