- Chapter 3 -

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What has the king done? I thought. He has taken the interpretation of the dream God gave him, and has instead created an image of gold, representing Babylon reigning 'forever'. Does he really think that his kingdom will last forever? His pride must be so great that he thinks God doesn't know the future, or control it.

The king set this statue, which was sixty cubits high in Dura, a large open plain, for everyone to view. He then summoned all the province officials to crowd around this statue for a 'dedication'.

"Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace." The Herald of Babylon announced.

Luckily for me, as ruler over Babylon, and over the wise men, I did not have to worship this image. I sat near to the king, watching on at the scene before me.

Seeing that my friends didn't bow down and worship, I felt worried, knowing they could be in danger. They stood out, as everyone else were playing all kings music and were bowing down to the statue.

I prayed the king wouldn't notice them, but knew someone may report them to the king.

Hearing footsteps, I turn to see astrologers walking towards the king.

"May the king live forever! You have issued a decree that anyone who does not fall down and worship the image of Gold will be thrown into the fiery furnace. We have seen some Jews Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who have not listened to you and refuse to bow down and worship your statue."

The king looked angry. Please God, give them strength and may they trust in your will whether that be life or death.

"Bring these men to me." The king spoke.

The astrologers left and soon returned with my friends. The king stood up and faced them.

"Is it true that you will not serve my gods or the image of gold I have set up?"

Please God, be with them.

Shadrach spoke for everyone, "King Nebuchadnezzar, this is true. If we are thrown into the furnace, God will deliver us. But even if he doesn't, we will still never bow down to your gods or the image you have set up."

The King was so furious, you could see it from a mile away. He turned to the astrologers who looked very smug, "Make the furnace seven times hotter, and get the strongest soldiers to tie up these men and throw them in."

God, please be with my friends. May their faith and trust in you save them. I know that if it is your will, you will deliver them.

I swallowed as I watched my friends get taken away and walked to the furnace. As they were thrown in, the soldiers who had tied them up fell to the ground and died, as the flames were incredibly hot.

Looking at the furnace, I see four people, and all my friends are standing in the furnace. I knew that God had protected them, and sent an angel or someone in with them.

Thank you, God, I prayed.

"Weren't three men tied up and thrown in?" the king asked the astrologers who had come back.

"Yes, your majesty." They replied, confusion on their faces.

"Look, there are four men inside unharmed and one looks to be a son of god." Spoke the king.

He then walked up to the entrance of the furnace and ordered my friends to come out.

They walked out, with no damage whatsoever. They didn't even smell like fire. Looking at the king, I could tell he was amazed. However, I knew God was powerful and could do anything to save his people.

The king spoke the them, "Praise be to your God, who has sent an angel and has rescued his servants! Although you have disobeyed my command, you were willing to die rather than serve any other god but your own."

The king then turned to face the crowd which had gathered around my friends.

"I hereby decree if anyone says anything negative about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's God, they will be cut to pieces and their houses destroyed. No other God, not even the gods of silver or gold can save this way."

As soon as the king finished speaking, he then turned to my friends again and promoted them over the province of Babylon.

I rushed over, and praised them for their trust in God. 

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