Chapter Eight

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"Yes, Sky. Your wolf indeed!" A familiar deep voice echoing through the clearing.

I quickly look around scanning my surroundings, looking for who the voice belongs to. My eyes come to rest on the pride rock cliff. Materializing out of no where that red eyed being comes into focus.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I question, my voice shaking and cracking with fear.

"You already know who I am. In time you will know what I want my Girl!" He chuckles demonically.

I stand frozen in spot staring at the red eyes from afar. Curiosity and terror rushing through me at once. I want to see more. I want to know more. Taking a very deep breath, and alot of willpower, I start walking closer to the cliff.

"You think you are ready to come into your powers? You are not ready to yet know the truth young one, as much as I want you to!" His demonic voice showing a hint of weakness and worry.

"I'm ready. This is a dream I control, you are nothing but a figment of my imagination!" I yell, false confidence pouring from my very being.

This being responds with nothing but a slight nod of his head. In the trees behind me, I hear a low growl. My natural instinct is to flee, however I keep myself locked in place. The growling grows louder as the creature grows closer. Preparing myself for an attack of some sort, I jump when a firm hand grips my shoulder.

"You don't want to hurt this creature, Skylin!" He warns me firmly.

Instantly I get goosebumps from fear and anxiety, covering my body. I take a chance to look at this man as he is now right next to me. His eyes were still as red as blood. He has a very masculine defined jawline, and a sinister look on his face.

Peeling my eyes away from him, I look back at the trees, gasping as a wolf walks out with its head held high and snarling. It's eyes shift to me, and I notice it's stance change from threatening to protective. It lunges at the man, causing me to fall back. I try to get back up, but can't as it's standing above me, it's front paws spaced enough for balance.

"Like I said my daughter, your wolf is right!" He comments before vanishing.

The wolf stands down from it's defense, slowly turning its head and looking at me with deep golden yellow eyes. With a slight whimper, it lays down nudging my cheek with the side of its head.

"It's ok there Wolfie. I won't hurt you. Thank you for having my back boy!" I whisper a smile crossing my face.

The wolf looks at me and sneezes, with a very clear glare coming from it. I stop and think, wondering what I did wrong.

"Oh, I'm sorry girl! I didn't realize!" I appologize, petting her head.

With a lick on my hand and a waging tail, I realize that I made things better. Instead of getting up, I decide to stay on the ground, adjusting myself to lean back on my elbows. With familiarity the she wolf looks and stares straight into mine.

Those eyes, they are so familiar, like I have seen them before.

"Sky? Where are you?" A females voice calls from the trees.

Both the wolf and I jump, getting to our feet. She starts growling viciously, while pacing back and forth in front of me. Slowly I can make out the figure of the female. As she cautiously walks closer, I realize who it is.

"You lieing, cheating, whore stay the fuck away from me!" I yell anger flooding back from her actions.

She stops in spot, noticing that the wolf is positioned to attack. Ivy puts her hands up quick.

"Come on Sky, call her off please. Your father told me to find you here!" She pleads, keeping an eye on the wolf.

" do you know my father? Ivy what are you doing here seriously?" I stutter, then demand.

"We all know your father. Even her." Ivy spits, shooting a long glaring glance at my protector.

"You know her?" I pry, looking at the wolf with wonder.

" Your pet. Of course I know her. If you don't we have a problem!" Ivy retorts in her better than everyone else, snotty voice.

Before I can respond, the wolf lunges at Ivy. A blood curtleing scream escaping from me. My eyes closing, not wanting to see the attack. With my breathing becoming rapid from panic, I slowly open my eyes.

Ivy is gone, the wolf is gone, and there is no evidence of a fight. Turning quick to try and find them, I find the guy who calls himself my father. With him, Skimmer, in all her glory stands next to him looking at me.

"What am I? What's going on? Why send Ivy looking for me? Why bring Skimmer here? Please I am begging you!" I plead to my father.

"You are special my girl, and so are they. But they won't be if I eliminate them first. This throne is mine and I have no intention on giving it up!" He warns, sending chills down my spine. "Say good bye to Skimmer, it's your only chance!" He threatens.

Without a chance to say or do anything, Skimmer's body drops lifelessly to the ground. I run over feeling my heart shattering into a million pieces. She has no pulse, no warmth, no breath. My body starts to convulse as I start to cry hysterically.

I'm pulled out of the clearing, as my eyes open and adjust to the light in my room. Quickly sitting up I look around my room for any sign of Skimmer but find none. Panic setting in, multiplied from the dream.

I launch myself off the bed grabbing my house coat, and running down the stairs. Quickly checking the kitchen, then the living room, I still can not find her.

"Please Skimmer, be alive!" I plead, while I start hyperventilating.

It was a dream! It can't be real!! Skimmer has to be alive! She is alive....isn't she?

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