Chapter Nine

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Subconsciously, I go back to my room, grabbing my phone, and changing into an oversized hoodie. Going back downstairs, I curl up in a corner of the couch with my music blaring, and my knees hugged tight to my chest. The hoodie I'm wearing fitting over my legs, and hangs around my ankles. While rocking back and forth, trying to get lost in the music, I shove my nose in the fabric of the sweater. Skimmer's scent instantly filling my nose. I lift my head up slightly, my eyes scanning the mess that was left from the previous night.

Just as I think I'm calming down, I see Skimmer dropping to the ground like a rag doll...again... reliving that moment over and over. I can feel my heart racing, as my breathing comes in short quick gasps of air. She's okay...she has to be okay! Tears flowing down my face, as fast as rivers during ice melt. I try to focus, and grab my phone texting Skimmer.


I keep my phone on and stare at the screen, waiting for a response.... hoping for a response... needing a response. My entire body violently shaking, due to the anxiety and worry. All I can see is my phone, and nothing else around me. My heart slams against my ribcage as I anxiously wait with blurred vision.


I lose myself into the whirlpool of anxiety. Losing all of my senses, other than overwhelming sadness. I hear the door open, like an echo in the background, but am to scared to move. A million scenarios running through my head. Frantically rocking and shaking, I suddenly feel a panicked, caring and concerned warming embrace wrap around me.

"Sky! What's wrong? What happened?" Skimmer asks me with a stern, but worried voice.

I keep my eyes shut tight, trying to contain the tremors of fear running through my body.

Is it really her? Is she really here... or is my mind playing tricks on me?

Slowly and cautiously I open my eyes. My vision is blurry from the tears, but I could tell that it was her.

"Skim! You died! He killed you, I seen it with my own eyes!" I panic clinging tight to Skimmer's toned body.

"Sky, calm down, you're safe. I'm safe. Stop panicking and listen to me please!" Skimmer pleads tightening her embrace to match the strength of mine.

"No! Skim, I can't... I can't do anything I just keep having these stupid dreams... images... visions! It's like something in the back of my head believes this dream may become reality in the future... All because of that dream about the clearing. My biggest fear is losing you, especially after having you for such little time!" I blurt out, burying my face into her chest.

"I don't know what to do! Skim, please help me!"

She firmly places her hands on my shoulders, guiding me to sit up and look at her.

"Sky look at me, I am real," She moves a hand to my wrist holding it firmly. "This is real, it's not a dream. This is reality you are awake."

Keeping a grip on my wrist she guides my hand above her heart, leaving her hand to sit over top of mine. I look up into her eyes and then back down at our hands. I can feel her heart beating in her chest, calming me and somehow bringing me back to reality. My body instinctively moving closer to her, my head against her chest and my arms around her waist.

"You are here, alive, living, breathing. This is reality."

I mutter in a soft calm tone. I pull away from Skimmer, moving into a sitting position. A gentle smile works its way onto her face when she is sure that I am back in a rational state of mind.

"Are you able to explain what your talking about, with me dying? Or do you need more time?"

She questions cautiously as to not set me off again.

I take a shakey breath in jerking my head no , looking at her with pleading eyes.

There is a chime of a phone and before I realize what it is, Skimmer pulls hers out of her pocket clicking the screen on to see what it is. She exhales an annoyed sigh while she leans forward resting her elbows on her knees to rapidly type a response, and slowly turns her head to look at me apologetically.

"Sky, I gotta go deal with something. Are you going to be OK if I leave? I will be back as soon as I can I promise!"

She inquires gently, trying to make sure that I know she's not abandoning me. Standing up cautiously while maintaining eye contact I nod uncertainly. Without hesitation she takes off out the door with a purpose that I don't  understand.

Why didn't you stop her? You need her too, is this more important than dealing with you? Why didn't you ask her what it was?

Again I hug my knees up to my chest, feeling myself starting to spiral. I put my head on my knees closing my eyes trying to remember the feeling of her heartbeat, warmth and the sound of her voice. I kept trying to keep grounded but could not grasp onto what was reality and what was not. My body unconsciously rocking back and forth.

Suddenly I'm startled back into reality by someone banging on my door. My eyes immediately jerking to look at the clock, three hours had past since Skimmer had left.

What if something bad happened to her?

Feeling tears welling up I hugged my knees tighter, trying not to let my breathing go out of control. Again three loud bangs sound from the door.

"Sky, I know your home answer the door!"

I hear a female voice demanding from the other side. Slowly I unbend my legs and raise off the couch to my feet. My body trying to tell me I don't have the strength to stand or move, but I fight it off just standing there, in front of my couch.

"Skylin answer your door or I'm letting myself in"

The voice demands again, and instantly I realize who it belongs to.

Ivy? She's the LAST person I want to see right now!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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