His Arrival

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An ominous shiver startled me out of my abysmal nightmare in the melted away morning, where the day was bright blue and the remnants of two, majestic sunrises dwindle in the summer breeze. The bright, midday glow seeped over the horizon as if the light itself was being poured from the warming glass of orange juice that was placed by my bed, obviously a couple of hours ago because the toast has become soggy by the scarlet jam that was spread evenly across it.

My cheeks are sticky from previous tears that had dried in my sleep and my body was bathed in a cold sweat, despite the warm temperature of the grand bedroom. 

The sheets were twisted around my limbs, probably because I was thrashing in my sleep and when I sit up, I notice my heart is pounding against my chest. 

My forth-finger feels heavy already, as if it is torturing itself before it has to get used to being bound by an expensive band that should have never touched my grimy hands. The flesh of my hand looks dull against the orange glow that creeps through the curtains, proving there is melancholy in my soul that is now bathed in riches.

The remnants of my nightmare still clung to my mind, taunting me that no matter if I am in a beautiful place such as this one, I will never belong here and there will always be a price to pay for paradise. 

I breathe in deeply and sigh. A new day has begun, but a new life has taken course also. I try not to think about my nightmare and how terrified Anwar's face was when I was pulled away in The First Order vehicle, for it's more hurtful to my heart when it realises that the fragmentation of a dream is truely the reality that just played in an endless loop in my sleep. 

I can't worry about Anwar. I have to just keep reminding myself that this will all be over soon and that the Princess will be found, forcing me to go back to my true home in the slums – Where I belong.

I shake my head at my own thoughts. No matter how treacherous growing up was, I still belonged in the place that made me strong with the lack of recourses to live. This is just a curse in the disguise of a blessing. 

One obstacle after another, I would rather decline this invitation into marriage for the benefit of the Royal's and return home, but I cannot if I want to keep the heart that thuds in my chest, rhythmical. 

This would be my only trial. My only loss. My only win. I cannot disappoint the King of Jorkhan, no matter how cruel he truely is. 

But even in this glow, all I can see is the green of Anwar's eyes that somewhat, try and beacon me home earlier. All is see is that fiery spark that gleamed brighter than any piece of gold in this room, only it was dulled with the dirt that would smear below the green, against his honey flesh after a hard day of work with the horses. If only he truely knew how he was the the reason of joy that danced in my soul, despite the life that should have crushed it instead. 

I had spent my whole life with Anwar by my side, guiding me and teaching me lessons he had purely taught or made up, himself; But now I was preparing for a deceiving lie that would benefit the very Kingdom he hated more than anything. I was the traitor to his and I's lifestyle... And yet, there is nothing I can do to stop it, for if I tried to, I will truely never be able to see him again and tell him just how he makes me feel.

When my feet finally meet the warm, cleaned and polished, hardwood floors, I stretch my arms above my head and raise an eyebrow to myself when my spine doesn't throb with the pain of sleeping on a thin mattress. Taking one last glance at the pillowy fort that I once sunk into, I bite my bottom lip to suppress a smile at the wonderful sleep I endured until that nightmare crushed it with its sinister grip.

Sliding the curtains open, I only take one look at the plate of breakfast beside my bed, before the bile rises into my throat, thanks to stuffing my face with the food from yesterday, which filled me to the brink. 

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