Things Can Change

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I woke up to a chill lacing the skin of my back in his departure, which made the strings of my heart resound like the chaotic plucking of a harp which was out-of-tune. He was already moving beside me in bed – I could feel his warmth slipping away, my body bent in a mirror shape of his own. I didn't open my eyes, content with feeling the heart-breaking tenderness of his thumb tracing my jawline to try and soothe me awake.

The knife beneath my pillow was long forgotten during the night, for with the rise of the sun – Kylo Ren had promised to take me back to the place that I longed to go and I knew, that if I plunged the silver into his chest, there would never be an opportunity of liberty like this to pass up again.

This morning, he cooed longingly into my ear and peppered warm kisses along my tender flesh, to which I only anticipated his powerful hands, insinuating themselves along the bareness of my thighs below the silk of my bunched up nightgown.

It was sickening how easily and instantly, I was aroused by his dangerous hands, the smell of him, the deep expressions he would give which were roughly followed by the dark tuning of his voice – It's a constant battle between my emotions and physicality, and my whole life I had thought that mentality always out-weighs a physical need, but after meeting Kylo Ren, it seems he has somehow hardwired me perfectly to only sought out his touch.

That doesn't mean I have become numb to my emotions, Gods no – They were also stronger than ever and as I had been helped into the metal, First Order vehicle, I was unworthy to escape my hurricanes of anxiety which I hid beneath the calm of my expression.

My heart was beating fast and my fingers curled into my dress as I sat by his side and looked out the window – The vehicle on the inside didn't resemble the one that had stolen me and brought me to the Kingdom, there were plush chairs and belts, although they were not used by anyone, but that didn't mean that the exterior, which looked the exact same as the one I was thrown into by faceless StormTroopers, wasn't enough to make me feel incredibly ill.

After weaving through the labyrinth of roads, the town was peaceful and glowed with glory all around us just as Kylo wraps his large hand over the material of my thigh. Ruby – Who sat in the seat in-front of us, with General Hux by her side – Rolls her eyes at the gesture, which I only melted into.

Flocks of birds and bright faces gathered everywhere, to wave their handkerchiefs at the vehicle – Ignorant to the wrath that the First Order will give to their land if I don't do something about it soon.

It's a stark difference to ride along the clean and vibrant streets of smooth cobblestone and sovereignty. It was calm. Warm. A perfect paradise of pure serenity. But as soon as the cars drive through the golden gates which barricade the poor from the rich, it is nothing but utter chaos. Violent and dangerous. A hopeless but raging fire which burns in the dirty hearts of the slum's abyss.

It doesn't look like anything I remember it to be. Sure, the South-East was always dirty and poor, but never this... Ravaged. As I stare out the window, I can see the devastation lingering in every broken brick and shattered glass, and when the people start to notice The First Order vehicle, its as if they decided to pluck up every bit of their brokenness and begin throwing it upon the impenetrable metal.

The Riots. The Uprising. The Resistance – It was all true. The starving people run along the sides of the cars, trying to keep up and smash their hands on the tinted windows, smearing the grime onto the polish. Hundreds of protesters seem to arrive out of nowhere, with pitchforks, rocks and the ashes of the burdens that The Order had given them.

Even my favourite confectionary store is in crumbles behind the riots, only being the foundations of a hopeless memory where Anwar had occasionally bought me a slice of delicious chocolate from.

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