Queen Of The Orchards

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My heart was dim but the world was shockingly colourful.

The weather was calm despite my frazzled nerves, but the noise, the noise was almost overwhelming after days of only listening to my inner fear's voice, who was the barer that cradled my trembling body to sleep every-night when Kylo Ren had finally drifted.

On those nights when the silence was even too much to breathe in, the sharpness in the air simply was enough to snap my bravery into sharper pieces than the butterknife beneath my pillow that I would cling onto, and yet, I still never found even a petite strength to plunge it into the heart that beats behind his flesh chest.

I know eventually, I will have to kill him – For that is required if I want this world to go on. And though, I had gone over it a thousand times with Ruby, begging her to figure out a different way to unleash the foreshadowed casket of the world, without needing to kill Kylo Ren to save it, her answer, every single time, was the right one – There is no Jorkhan in The First Order's evil grip, only destruction and not only for the people among this land, but for many life forms upon other planets too – That is, if they are deemed the enemy by the next ruler of this monarchy's grounds, which they will dig up and bury a weapon into the generous soil.

I sit in the throne room, a gentle breeze saying in from behind the pillared, wide balcony which wraps around the back of the room, behind me, but not even the gentlest pull of the weather's touch could stop the boiling of my blood, which burned ferociously beneath my fragile flesh – I killed the King of Jorkhan. I, unknowingly, poisoned both him and his Brother, and now... I have to somehow kill the deadliest man in the Universe, whom I share a bed with.

The most trusted advisors and the King's men, were all on a hunt for the King Killer, and although it was a man-hunt, the murderer was the one that they knelt before and handed their allegiance into her delicate hands. Traitorous bile rose to the bottom of my throat, I am a slayer – No different to Kylo Ren. It's a match made in heaven, although, the sadistic part that doesn't feel guilty in my soul for accidentally poisoning the King, deserves to go to hell.

The funeral was tasteful, though a little grim. But now, the Kingdom's people seemed much more brighter than their previous faces of fake melancholy, for today the sun was as golden and glorious as the crown that was slowly being brought forward down the aisle between the bowing heads, sitting softly on a royal-violet, coloured cushion – Slowly and tenaciously, shining to my dull anxiety as it made its way over to me, held by the hands of a man who enters wearing a surcoat robe, with jewels lined down and wrapped around his neck, signifying an importance which my life of slavery in the orchards, would never be able to understand the symbolism.

The wealthy people of Jorkhan all line the streets and parade the soil beneath the balcony behind me, cheering to my false crowning and boasting for the new monarch. Ruby had told me that The First Order have deployed more fleets of StormTroopers onto the streets today, mostly to contain the uproar that still burns in the heart of the slums – Where they cry only to my ruling, blind to the imitation I play, ignorant to the fact that I am one of them too.

My chin slightly trembles when the evangelist of some-sort, begins reading from an ancient scroll which enlists concordats, which only adds to the new responsibly that lays heavily upon my weak shoulders.

His voice is strong enough to even boom above the shrill voices clanging in the air from outside the palace walls, and I cringed back with an invisible snarl, wanting to smite all the people in the throne room or perhaps, poison them for adding onto my burdens with their pleasure of my crowning, even if it is only a shadow of a figment tied ever so briefly to the real horrors of my fate.

It's sickening to think that by the destruction of my own morals, I would be their true, unknown, saviour – But what then? I will then have to play 'Queen' until the day of my death. Maybe, I should have just drank from that golden rimmed glass and only pushed the poison closer to Kylo's lips too... After-all, Ruby Mayse and Prince Dayvis had turned out to not be the true monsters, they were only trying to save the world from the real ones.

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