Thorns And Blades

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Meet me in the stables tonight. It's important. 

Meet me in the stables tonight. It's important. 

Meet me in the stables tonight. It's important.

The words fly in rings around my mind invariably but the silence of the barn is what truely makes my anxiety strike a nerve. 

The rain had finally stopped pelting against the grounds of the Kingdom the moment the hands of all clocks shifted to midnight – The time when, the moonlight of the two saucers in the sky, fall like a rich velvet blanket of white upon the black shadows of the night which swallow up the day, draining the colours to nothing but an illuminated grey. 

My chin trembles as I sigh a large breath of mist into the air of the cold barn, where the hay is spread below my feet whilst I sit on a ruffled stack of prickly straw. As midnight comes trailing along the hour I had spent waiting for Anwar, the birth of this fateful day, means everything which had happened to me, will soon be forgotten – Only the long trance ahead is filled with dreams and maybe, nightmares.

Today's the day – The wedding will be held beneath the rising sun and my destiny should have been given over to Kylo Ren and The First Order, even though I am not who they truely think that I am. 

The note which Anwar had slipped to me, sits crumpled in my hands and I only roll my eyes and throw it aimlessly into the layer of mud which sits in the corner of the barn, as the minutes only drag by slowly, for he had never shown up. It was easy to sneak out, nearly two hours ago, for Kylo Ren had been relocated to new quarters for the night, as we are not supposed to see each-other until I am walking down the aisle.

The halo around my weakened heart, smoulders. Kylo had given me nothing but a quick kiss and a soft smile before he left, and that stupid grin of his would be the last thing I remember him by, that and the words he whispered into my ear, 

"See you soon, My Queen."

But I try not to think about him too much, for there is a burning desire to run to wherever he sleeps now and also walk down that life-changing aisle, tomorrow. What had happened to me in the past couple of days? Had the diminishing of the rain, finally washed away my grey skies and left me standing in the prosperous blue, where I can see with perfect vision, the way my soul craves Kylo Ren?

In the heady chill of the midnight moons, it was as tempting as ice water upon my heated flesh, to bite back the tears which began to rise above my vision as everything suddenly felt as if it is quickly coming to a conclusion. Up ahead is Anwar and I's, rendezvous where we will finally escape Jorkhan, just like we had always dreamt of doing – But we are not leaving as the same people we once were and surprisingly, there is something which is tugging me back down to the damaged surface of Jorkhan – Someone dangerous, who I would have never suspected that I would prefer the company of, rather than Anwar, my once best-friend. 

There was a time when the stable boy, drove me mad with crimson cheeks and a childish crush which lingered in the open, innocent gape of my heart – But now? All I feel is a bruising in that same gape, where he had secretly tore away my innocence, burdening me a damsel in distress who had to live a life of imitation, all because he thought that it could benefit our brittle bones. And it did... But what about my heart? 

My internal Kingdom is painting itself blue. This royal imitation is no life which I could have lived happily and Anwar must have known that when he signed away my freedom to Ruby Mayse, who all along, was nothing but a traitor to the late King and her dead best-friend, the Princess. 

I chuckle low to myself, just as I completely give up faith of Anwar turning up as I scrape the heel of my boots in the dry hay, where flickers of deep red and brown, layer upon the once clean sticks. How remarkable, that I had grown to think that it would be Kylo Ren, who was, out of all the evil in the world, the most innocent? After-all, he had never been so harsh to me in the midst of my imitation. No – I knew who the real villain was and she was just as, if not crueler, than the Devil, who's flesh is the same colour as her flaming hair. 

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