Title: Hero Time
A thirteen year old young man, named Alexander Tennant was currently bored, and cold out of his mind. Why? Well easy, he had just listened to his teacher going on a rant and the blue haired girl being an absolute hoe. Alex as a thirteen year old was slightly average height for his age, standing at Five-nine. He has short, messy brown hair with chocolate brown eyes with a pair of square glasses. He wore a black striped white shirt with short sleeves, with a primarily black jacket with white accents, such as the zipper, waist, sleeves and hoodie. With military-like blue, slightly baggy pants, and black sneakers.
Alex pulled out a book and started reading. He just walked down the hallway and occasionally dodged an object that was thrown near him by the other students. He just snorted in amusement and reached inside his back pocket and pulled out a special dull red book. Why this book was so special, well... it was a smut or a porn book, and he had been reading them for the past couple years. He flipped it open to the first page and began reading while walking.
Just as Alex turned a corner in the hall he bumped into something... or rather someone. Alex curiously looked up for a moment and mentally cursed in annoyance. It was Cash and JT.
Cash was a tall kid, with him being five-foot-eight in height. His skin had a darker tone. He also had short black hair thick black eyebrows. He was wearing a grey T-shirt with blue accents and with a light blue cash register on it. He also wore blue shorts and white shoes.
J.T was average height, being at least a head shorter than his partner, Cash. He had unkempt, brown hair and brown eyebrows. He had light blue, round shaped glasses, he also had a dark olive shirt and a yellow T-shirt under that. He wore light olive pants and brown shoes.
"What do you think you're doing, loser?" Cash asked in harsh tone and his 'partner' nodded his head in agreement, as if they weren't waiting for him around the corner.
"Wow Cash, I never knew you were there. Let me move around you and next time I'll take the other way out. Would you like me polish your shoes as well, your highness?" Alex asked in a fake caring tone. Cash and J.T picked his tone up and both growled in anger.
Ben just smirked in amusement at his two 'bullies'. 'Please, these two couldn't even bully a first grader.' He mentally scoffed.
"Who do you think you are talking to him like that, you better show him the respect he deserves... or else." Cash's loyal lap dog threatened with 'frightening' glare.
"Look, I have shit to do, I don't give a shit if you used to be my bullies, but you've basically never matured and grew out your ego. I'll be happy to knock you down a peg or two.", Alex said with a little grin, popping his knuckles. Both of the 'Bullies' eyes widened for brief moment before they broke out in laughter, but they were both doing that to actually hide that good amount of fear in their hearts as they internally thought what would happen if Alex actually did carry out that threat.
Alex just looked ahead with a blank look for a few seconds, before he shrugged and began walking away. He came to the conclusion long ago... they were both really fuckin' weird. Though they did make life more lively and made it more amusing, so that was a bonus. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he began read his book once again, but this time, he wasn't interrupted for the rest of the walk.
He was so focused on his book that when he got outside, he never noticed that his ride was waiting for him. Said ride was his Grandpa's RV. The RV looked the standard RV, except it being a little on the old side, as it sported several blotches on the lower sides of the RV.
His train of thought was cut off as a loud beeping noise that came from right in front of him. Ben slowly looked up from his book. Surprisingly, there was his Grandfather's RV, parked right in front of him. The window rolled down in a rapid pace and revealed an elderly man wearing a white shirt, covered by a red buttoned-up Hawaiian shirt with a floral design. He had grey hair and blue pants, as well as brown shoes. He had a grey beard, and his right arm was a prosthetic one.
Alex 10
FanfictionAn unquantifiably long amount of time ago, there was a blank dimension without a universe. The fifth dimensional cosmic traveling beings known as the Contemelia arrive at this dimension and continue their never ending expedition of creating Universe...