Chapter 10

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Title: Mistress Fortune

The Tennant's are at a witchcraft museum. Alex is looking through a tribal mask, while Alice and Grandpa Max are with an elderly female tour guide. "And behind those impenetrable glass, is the recently discovered and the only known existing 'Archamada Book of Spells'", the elderly tour guide explained.

The Archamada Book of Spells is a navy blue color with a gold binding and clasps. It has gold corners, and a rune etched into a gold seal on the front.

"It contains ancient witch craft and rituals from the late sixteen hundreds.", as the tour guide explained this, Alice repeats her words perfectly. "Maybe you should work here 'dearie'." The tour guide said sarcastically before walking off to the next exhibit.

Alex threw himself onto Alice playfully, adjusting his glasses. "Don't let the old hag get to you, she looks older than the spell book.", he said as he mimicked the way a mummy would walk. Alice smiled softly at this and felt better All of a sudden, everyone is suddenly lifted off the ground and pinned to the ceiling.

"Man tours these days are something else," Max remarks sarcastically. From a window, a stream of red smoke passes through and materializes into a man who grey skin with black symbols on his shoulders. His attire is fairly tribal or that of a nomad, however more torn up. He also has long black socks that don't cover his heels or toes. His face is painted white and black to resemble a skull.

"The Archamada Book of Spells, I've been looking for you.", one of the charms on the man's sash glowed brightly as he chanted a spell. "Thata Mey Goof!", the magic spell caused the impenetrable glass to turn grey and explode into dust.

"Okay Omnitrix, give me someone I can work with.", Alex thought as he was preparing to activate it. Before he can do so, however, the man stops whatever was pinning them to the ceiling, causing them to plummet. Alex quickly dialed through his Aliens and selected Rush and slammed down... before he realized he was replaced with Brainstorm. "What an unfortunate miscalculation. However I shall make due with this."

As if time slowed down or in general came to a halt, Kracklsacean looked around with imagery of calculations appearing everywhere. "Ah yes, possibility number one hundred and eighty seven thousand... the most obvious one of them all.", Kracklsacean opened his brain plates and caused a surge of electricity to surround him into a dome. He looked to the curtain nearby, he used his electro-telekinesis tie off a large hanging banner to act as the slide, catching everyone before they fall on the ground. He hovered over them before landing on the ground. "My solution for all of you is: leave at once."

As everyone ran, Max looked at his grandson. "Be careful Alex, we don't know what type of tricks he's got up his sleeves.", he said as he and Alice ran off.

Kracklsacean nodded and closed his head plates. "My dear fellow, if you wanted good reading material, I suggest the library.", he telepathically said with a smug grin on his face.

The Grey skinned man lifted his staff as another one of his charms glowed. "Berdi Mordo Nata!", the man chanted as fire spewed out of the staff and onto the banner.

Kracklsacean simply opened his head plates again and surrounded himself with another barrier, the fire harmlessly passing over him. "Dodge," he said to himself as he skillfully scurried away from the red crystals. Before slamming down on the Omnitrix emblem and transforming into Rush

The grey skinned man's eyes widened. "A mimic?", he thought to himself as Rush sped around the museum. As soon as the warlock noticed he was heading for him again, he blasted out a beam of light that blinded Alex and sent him off course.

The man decided to finish him off then and there. For all he knew, this 'thing' was a mimic, fuck that shit right? Before he could do that, a trash can was thrown at his head along with a blast to the back. He quickly turned around with anger in his eyes to see Max with his arm in one of its assault modes and Alice next to him. "I guess we got his attention?" Alice nervously chuckled.

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