Title; Nature vs Nurture
The Tennants have currently taken another stop, somewhere near San Francisco. And during this time, they decided to wait in a long line to buy a newly released game. "And I thought the line for Comic Con was bad, we've been sitting in this line for about two hours," Alice wined, scratching her leg.
"Yeah, but this is Samurai Slasher 2.1, and this is the only day that it's fifty percent off.", Alex said adjusting his glasses, his athletic works jacket was left in the RV. "I'd do anything to get this game."
"Y'know theres a nice air conditioned bookstore over there. Maybe we can wait inside until the line thins out a bit," Max said with a smile.
"Nah, you guys can go ahead. I'll wait and get the game and meet you two back in the Rust Bucket." Alex said with a smile, and in response, Max and Alice turned and walked off to that bookstore.
It's been at least another hour, maybe slightly more since they were in there, and the line had thinned out so much that the line wasn't stretching near the bookstore. So, seeing this Max and Alice walked out.
"Think Alex has gone stir crazy in that line yet?" Alice asked jokingly.... before a familiar red figure leap red out.
Yep... Strongarm. Or what looked like him anyways, his shirt lacked a certain alien badge, and he looked to be a much darker shade of red. The Tetramand looked ahead to see police, and in response, he grabbed it with two hands and ripped it in half, causing the cops to fall out.
"... okay I didn't expect that.", Alice said not really knowing what to say.
The Tetramand simply stood there as the police officers shot at him, so in response he picked them up and threw the two into a nearby store. It looked over again to see more of them, and with a sick grin, he picked up a car and tossed it at the mini barricade.
"This isn't Alex right?" Alice looked up to see a nod from Max, he's gotten mad before but like this? That's just out of character for him.
Suddenly, a vehicle pulled up, more like an armored car actually. Then, four figures stepped out, mostly wearing black with goggles. Their leader had a buzzcut, with a long scar on his face. He wore a black shirt with two straps, carrying guns in the pockets. In addition, he wore a belt with pouches. He had grey pants. "Lieutenant Steel, Special Alien Containment Team. We'll take it from here officers." Steel said with a drill Sargent like tone. "Concussion bazooka!"
As soon as he said this, two of his operatives pulled out a large bazooka like weapon. In response, the Tetramand ceased movement and gestures them to do it, almost confident. "Fire!" In response to their leaders command, the two operatives shot out a narrow yellow beam at the thing, sending it flying into a store nearby.
Shortly after, the Tetramand walked out, unharmed and snickering. Before turning and leaping away.
"We need to get to Alex, now." Max said as the two calmly walked to the RV to avoid suspicion.
A few minutes later, the two arrive at the RV, to see Alex just calmly sitting in his seat playing the game. "Hey Alex, have you... turned alien recently?" Alice asked as Max closed the door behind them.
"No? Why would I? There's no point," Alex said truthfully. "It's kinda pointless."
"Good, so who's that?" Alice said as she pointed to the mini TV, displaying news of the recent Tetramand attack.
Alex immediately jolted up. "How can you mistake that for me? He's the wrong color of red for crying out loud!" He said slightly offended. "Remember Tetrax? He was Diamondbreaker's species, so it's not impossible that Strongarm's species came here."

Alex 10
FanfictionAn unquantifiably long amount of time ago, there was a blank dimension without a universe. The fifth dimensional cosmic traveling beings known as the Contemelia arrive at this dimension and continue their never ending expedition of creating Universe...