Chapter 20

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Title: Sweet Tooth

We open up to see a man, a very tall and skinny man, with a white button up collared shirt with  a red vest over, wearing a pair of brown pants and darker brown shoes. He had grey hair and a wide smile with a cane in the style of a candy cane. "Well now Charles, isn't it exciting that you're the last child left?" His voice, despite appearances, sounded very... odd, deep yet very cool and collected.

"I-I don't know.", a small child said, he looked no older than ten years old before the man smiled again.

"Oh c'mon, it's a very special thing that you've managed to get this far. Don't you wanna be the first taste tester to my new chocolate?", the taller, older man said without batting an eye at the boy. Who looked extremely terrified. "Oh come on now... it'll be fun" he said with a sick grin, as he led the child to the back room.

Alice was in a little candy store just getting something for herself, the other two had been waiting in the RV. She passed a very specific bar, with the word 'WAKKO' embroiled in gold lettering. "Huh haven't heard of this brand before.", she said as she noticed a kid, maybe a bit tougher than her but wasn't sure.

He looked exhausted, and a bit over weight with very pale skin and scratch marks everywhere. He looked up and smiled. "H-Hey! Can I have that?!" He asked with a very demanding voice as he stepped closer.

"Hey... Uh... there's more of these y'know but-" she was cut off by him running at her.

"JUST FUCKING GIVE ME!!!!" She noticed another three, one female one male with the same appearance, same pale skin but with blood red eyes running at her. She immediately tossed it away and noticed as soon as the first one grabbed it, the other two tackled the first one.

"HAND IT OVER!" "NO! IT'S MINE! I SAW UR FIRST!" "SHUT UP AND GIVE ME!" The three argued as Alice turned to walk away, but was pushed into the shelf by a smaller kid who just yanked the box out and started eating all of them, before the other bigger kids got up and tackled that one.

More poured in, as the security tried to stop them but were also attacked and bitten. Alice immediately ran into the RV and looked at them alarmed.

"What's wrong?", Max was the first to ask as Alex was busy reading the newest issue of Tombstones.

"Um, yeah, there are maybe twenty different kids in one isle clawing at each other to get a some type of candy bar.", Alice said as she pointed outside, the two were intrigued and walked out to see the carnage.

"I got this," Alex said as he looked around for anyone, any cameras but the ones inside were busy. He activated the Omnitrix, scrolled through his arsenal and transformed into Weedstalk.

One of the children were getting chocked out, she was actually pretty normal looking, pretty healthy unlike the others, who had ripped out hair and missing teeth. Before they saw a large, bulbous pod before it exploded into a misty purple gas, the children slowly coughing before falling unconscious.

The young girl was lifted up and held above the cloud of smog. "Are you okay?" Weedstalk asked in his raspy voice.

"U-Uh... yeah.", she said before she was sat on a shelf. "Thank you mister.", she said before her head was patted.

"Do you know why they acted like this?", Weedstalk asked cocking his brow.

"I don't know... I was just trying to get a WAKKO Candy bar but I was hit.", the young girl said as she pointed to the same bar Alice saw.

"WAKKO?" "Yeah.", Weedstalk picked the girl back up and handed her to the only conscious security guard.

"Make sure she gets back to her parents, or at least away from here.", the Florauna said as the man nodded, the large plant walked out and swung his way onto the roof top. He tapped his chin before he came up with an idea.

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