Another New Kiddo|Ch. 1

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   (David Herods)

   It's been 2 years since I arrived here. Many came before me. Many came after. But, whatever we're all the same. We're all abandoned by our godly parents. We all thought we would be like Perseus, Achilles, and Jason. But we were wrong, very wrong.

    "David, snap out of it," Will said, interrupting his train of thoughts.

    "We got a new kid coming. Don't be so depressed."

    "Okay, okay I won't be that depressed."

    "Here's the new kid, Angela Criss."

    "Hello, I'm David..." I said pretty much unenthusiastically.


    A loud snoring came out of nowhere. What happened? How can there be snoring right in the middle of the day?!?

    "Huh!!?!" Angela exclaimed when Will tapped her. She's probably a Hypnos kid. I knew some of them. They tend to doze off like that.

    "Uhhh hey?" The young girl said both confused and sleepy, "Why did you wake me uppppp........."

    "STOP DOZING OFF!!" I yelled while shaking her.

    "Huh? I wanna sleep, okayyyyy...."

     Will shook his head, "We should really make sure she knows her way around here before she falls asleep again, come on David," Will pulled me to my feet, "Let's go."


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                                                                                            . . .

    After showing her around and trying to keep her awake for at least every minute, they showed her to the Hermes cabin as she wasn't claimed yet (But it was kind of obvious).
    "Connor, here's another unclaimed kid," I said while pushing Angela to the cabin entrance.
    "Oh another new kid, many are showing this year," Connor said while shoving Angela through the entrance," The cabin's getting crowded. Let's hope many are claimed tonight."
    "Yeah I don't want to wake up stepping on someone."
    "It's almost time to go to the campfire," Connor said while getting Angela to wake up,"Did you get all the new kids?"
    "I'm not sure, I'll go check."
    "Come back before the campfire starts."
                                                                                               . . .  
     Everyone was singing following the Apollo cabin. Then the fire suddenly rose up and turned golden. A wreath of red poppies appeared above Angela's head.
     "All hail Angela Criss, daughter of Hypnos, Clovis will bring you to your new cabin, assuming he is awake," Chiron said, motioning to Clovis, the head of the Hypnos cabin, who was sleeping against the wall.Chiron told me to bring Clovis and Angela back to their cabin. Will laughed at my misfortune. (Nico was rubbing off of him)
    Cabin 15 had mud walls and a rush roof. There's a hearth, a poplar tree branch dripping water from the river Lethe, into a collection of tin bowls. Soft violin music is playing. It smelled like fresh laundry. Angela laid onto the closest, soft white bed and fell asleep. I left Clovis on the rug and went back to Cabin 11 to also crash on the bed.


Notes from the authors

    Heyyy it's Hecate here! It's our first time writing a fan fiction here. Let me introduce you to Nemesis, the most active of us all and help think of ideas. Next is Selene, they helps a lot with editing and also helps write these chapters. Next is Hebe, they're the least active but still an important part of our group. And last but not least, me, Hecate! I'm the one who started the fan arts and Nemesis thought of the fan fict. I will mostly do the art so look out! That's all of now! Visit our instagram page at for sneak peeks of fan art.

     Enjoy reading!

The Random Minor Gods

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