Chapter One

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Peter looked down at the test, an uneasy feeling growing in his stomach. He stared at the two lines telling him that yes, he was pregnant. That yes, there is a tiny human being growing inside of him. And yes, it was Wades.


They were careful. He took birth control. Wade wore a condom. Hell, Wade told him that he couldn't get him pregnant. But they were still cautious, just in case.

This couldn't be happening. It had to be fake. People get false positives all the time. That's all it was, a false positive. He'll go get another one, just to make sure. He'll get two.

Peter whimpered, he couldn't be pregnant. He just finished his first year at college. Mr. Stark just offered him a real job working with him, a paid assistant. Paid. He was supposed to start training to work with the Avengers more. He was maybe months from being an official member of the Avengers.

How could he do any of that with a baby?

He whimpered again. He wants Wade. Wade will know what to do. They could talk about their options.

Options, what options were there? Peter doesn't know anything about this. He never expected to be in this situation, he never expected to get pregnant because Wade can't have children.

He told him, months ago after Peter brought up their future and maybe starting a family. He said he couldn't have kids, he said his mutation didn't make it possible. He apologized about a million times, cried even, because even if he could he didn't want any kids. Said he would be a terrible father.

But Peter did. He did want kids, someday. But not now, Peter doesn't want kids now. He wanted them later. Like late 20s maybe, and he gave that up when Wade said they couldn't. He knew they would never be allowed to adopt, even if Wade wanted to he was way too foul and they were always busy with hero work. Well, he was. Wade was...well he's not not a hero. He just uses different methods. He's gotten a lot better. He even works with the X-Men and sometimes the Avengers. They were always gone or injured. So he gave up the idea of having a family.

But now.

He looked back down at the positive pregnancy test in his hand.

He felt his lip wobble. It wasn't good timing. A few years from now, this would have been an amazing surprise. He would have been jumping with joy instead of trying not to cry.

Fuck. He didn't know what to do.

He got up from where he was sitting and just stood there for a few minutes, trying to gather his thoughts and not cry. He took a deep breath, held it, and slowly breathed out. He kept breathing until he felt less shaky then threw the test away, covering it up with some toilet paper and went into the kitchen to get some water and wait for Wade to come home.

Well, not his home. Not really. Peter still lived with Aunt May most days. He was planning on officially moving in soon, if Wade ever gets around to asking, but if he was being honest he was a little nervous. It was just such a big step and he didn't want to leave May alone, not that he's going too far. About 20 minutes away, 10 if he swung. He was just a little nervous. But he was working on it! He spent most days here anyway, and even most nights. It was just nerve wracking because he wouldn't have a place to run to if he felt overwhelmed.

It was fine. He would get over it.

Peter grabbed his phone from the counter, where he left it earlier, and called Wade. He really needed to hear his voice right now.

"Hey baby boy, what would be better, a sword on a gun or a gun on a sword?"

Peter blinked, "What." Leave it to Wade to cheer him up with the stupidest questions.

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