Eighth match thoughs

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Aoi was surprised to have found all three of her soulmates as in the match against Eisei Gakuen and Raimon have won the match, she has just found her last Soulmate and now Norika has found her first one: Kira Hiroto and Saginuma Osuma. Norika invited Saginuma to join her and he agreed very excited about this really.

Aoki was very nervous as she was now sitting on a bench in the park as the sun was going down when she saw that Hiroto was standing near by making her to mentally letcher herself for not noticing him there making her to start training on being a sensor really.

"Can I sit down?" He asked as she noticed he's different for some reason.

"Of course you can. It's actually very lonesome without someone to talk to really." Hiroto sat down as the sun set washes over them.

"What's with the 'Start' being in front of my face? It showed up out of the blue all of the steadily." Aoki blushes as she explains fully just about everything to him about that world.

"Oh?" He starts and he saw his 'comrades' as Aoki puts it and saw Haizaki Ryohei, that silly female goalkeeper and Saginuma Osuma.

"So, soulmates?" Aoki had a hard time explaining that one to him and shows in the settings how to get some of the information since no one had actually sat down and fully explained it to both her and Norika really.

"Hm... Huh? Jobs? Magic? Classes? This I really going to be needing a hand with to get use to it all fully really." Aoki agrees and brought him there as he got use to it even if he made a funny face at his own beginner clothing and Aoki laughs since Haizaki was the same.

"Very funny." Hiroto wasn't really actually mad at her like he had pretended to be making her to giggle as she shows him around and the shops first, so he knows where everything is when he comes here alone really.

It was making him to chose the jobs: 'Knight', 'Adventurer', 'Tamer', 'Shinobi', 'Mage', 'Thief' and 'Monk'. Hiroto protected a shrine like Aoki did and got a 'God Form' for that shrine making him to be told by Aoki to use it for emergencies only.

Hiroto has long straight grey hair and a pony-tail held up by white bow to his hips with some framing his face. His eyes appear to have a golden color in this form. He also has a golden holly ring above his head and has large wings coming out of his back. (AN: remember Angel in 'RWBY: 30 days' video on YouTube and the markings on the ground went back to her and became her wings on her back? The shape of the wings is how Hiroto's looks really)

His outfit consists of a light golden choker and an extremely long white jacket with the universe on the inside of it with white dress pants and both the jacket and dress pants have golden markings on them.

His collar has a wavy cut and in the middle of his chest is a ten pointed star-shaped hole with his 'soul gem' in the middle of it along with eight 'smaller soul gems' on each point with a extremely long walking cane that has the head of a Raiju in his hand that can turn into a nodaichi blade.

His sleeves on his jacket are long and ruffled with white on the top and gold on the bottom. He also has white gloves that have golden markings on them. His jacket has three layers, the bottom one is gold. Under each layer is the universe.

"Why emergency only?" She fully explains why making him to agree since that's not a good thing as party members will have to be fully defending not just only themselves, but him as well, too. He doesn't want to be a burden to his own team and that's not going to be a good thing at all really.

"Don't want to be a burden to my party members if I don't use it like that unless it's to lower the HP of a high ranking monster we can't defeat really." Aoki agrees with him on that one as she checks her own stats since she went up again another level.

Aoki got 'Seamstress' this time and a new title that needs to be fully unlocked by her second soulmate: 'Queen'. Queen is from Nosaka, but how can she unlock it? Hiroto got some great leveling and wants to head back home to sleep since this was a tiring day.

"Here." Aoki hands over a hat that would go greatly with his 'God Form' making him to like it as it looks like one of those hats that the gentleman in the past of the Victorian Britain making him to gently take it and kiss her left cheek making her to blush.

Hiroto walks home as he loves the hat as he saw on the screen that the hat is now part of his 'God Form' making him to like it that he can see each 'form' he has as this makes it easier to see and how powerful each one is really, but he met Haizaki on the way home.

"Haizaki Ryohei?"

"Kira Hiroto. Just to warn you, Aoki is hiding something. I think it's because she's afraid it'll make her lose us." Hiroto tsked at that.

"Like heck that will ever happen. I'm not going to lose her and she'll never lose me no matter what the cost really."

"Same page there then. Nosaka is soulmate number two, but cause of a brain tumor, he won't join us in that world."

"The hospital here not advance enough to fully just remove it from him?" Haizaki nods his head 'yes'.

"Aoki had to give him information about the American doctors as some could help him. Once the tournament is over, he might be planning to go over there to have surgery after have it checked out fully."

"Good. I want to meet him."

"We might not like each other, but we will have to get use to it since Aoki might try to get us to get fully along or sic Nosaka or Norika, her onee-sama or even Kidou onto us both." Hiroto can imaging the goalkeeper doing that.

"Who's Kidou?"

"Lord of Laws in the Gamer World. He's my sponsor in the game for some of the items. Aoki and Norika has unlimited freedom since the 'Councilors' added them to the Gamer World." Hiroto was shocked by that.

"Remind me to never ever get her mad." Haizaki agrees as both went home to sleep as Aoki wonders if her soulmates will get along with each other as that's the one thing she fears the most really. Norika had fun as Saginuma enjoyed his time and likes that world really.

'Poor sis. Will she ever get a single break?' Norika thinks worried as that damn stupid marking showed up meaning only one thing... Aoki is in danger and Norika will have to warn her three soulmates about it really.

'Aoki... Please, 'Creator'... Don't let this kill her.'

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