Aoki's history dress

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Haizaki was shocked as he didn't expect her to look that amazing as she even made it since it was her first time making it and it seems to have been a family think to make things really. On her wrists were a single gold ring each and her outfit was a simple, yet utterly beautiful thing that looked like something out of a history book as did her shoes.

Around her chest was a band of thin white plain cloth with short ruffled sleeves attached to it. Her skirt went to about her knees and was of the same color and it too was ruffled in design. Her elegant sandals were white as well.

Covering her from head to toe were ancient markings that glowed a bright, heavenly blue with royal purple outlining it. Norika didn't like that Aoki has gained those markings making her to worry as Aoki looks to be paling now it seems as Norika is now scared for her sister.

Norika has a different version of what Aoki is wearing as it's color remained pure white, but looked different very as her shirt was a spaghetti-strap tanktop that, like her sister's, only went down to just above her belly button.

Her skirt was completely smooth and bore a faint pattern on it that could only be seen in very direct sunlight. Her sandals were the same. Kidou noticed the paling and was quick to look those damn markings up, but he got the shock of a life time.

'Those markings are for a extinct ancient civilization that was fully known for magic. Why are they on her bo... It can't be!' It's making him to be now worried as the next time it popped up to add a new job really...

"Aoki, I think it's best you go for Mage. Spell Creator, Rune Master, Witch and Magical Researcher are the only four sub-jobs for the job Mage. Haruna has it as a side job since she likes to do a lot of research to spells and magic. She can teach you how to cast spells.

You can pick Researcher later as it also goes for other stuff as well, too really." Aoki thinks as the thought of researching stuff is fun and all, but the ability to fully use magic is a tough one if Haruna didn't 'kidnap' her and had fully showed her what she'll be fully learning.

'I suppose it wouldn't hurt really.' It was making Aoki to accept as she got 'Mage' as a new job making Haizaki to look to Kidou confused really.

"You had another reason for it, didn't you?" Kidou looks to Haizkai as he nods his head.

"She's paling every time those markings show up on her body. If she doesn't pick Mage, she'll die. Those markings, Haizaki belong to a extinct ancient civilization that uses magic. The royal purple outlining is for the royal family members only.

The magic was building inside of her, Haizaki and if she doesn't get rid of it soon, it will cost her her very life." Haizaki was shocked as he didn't think of that really. He's now worried as he helps her out if Haruna is busy since she has a lot of catching up to do since Kidou had to do it all by himself really.

Aoki actually got her coloring back after she had leveled up her new job making her to have a healthy peach colored skin than her white skin color she had before. Norika was happy as she fully knows the 'Councilors' are watching them both now and keeping them safe really.

'Just wish Aoki didn't have a lot on the line without knowing it really. At least she has three soulmates to look after her really.' Norika is happy for her sister, but wished their bodies didn't develop like they did really. Aoki has the three measurements of fifty-eight, thirty and forty-six.

She's firm and lifted making Haizaki to growl at a lot of follow males and he had actually fully transformed into his Demonic Lord form with armor and Blaze coming out to help his rider. It scared a lot of males and some had wanted to fight him to save the four 'civilians' from him.

Aoki came up with this plan to calm Haizaki down and sixteen out of twenty Councilors agreed with it since they never expected this really. Haizkai was having fun and losing his anger while Haruna and Norika play poker really.

It was with the losers and they fully pretended to make it look like they'll have a second chance, but they actually took everything they had making them to be 'dead' and was sent to the very Medical Bay really. Both Aoki and Kidou just watched since it's entertaining really.

"Popcorn? I placed an illusion to make it look like the four of us are tied up while both Haruna and Norika are his two minions who actually give them second chances if they win in a one game of poker. It's they're chose if they want to play more rounds if they want 'unlimited' HP.

Us, we're 'tied up' and can't do anything really." Aoki chuckles as she accepts since this is fun to watch as the Medical Bay had to be upgraded and since she has the 'Druid' job, she upgraded the very Medical Bay to hold double, triple or quadruple the amount of the gamers in the Gamer World.

She even has one for every single continent in Gamer World with the same upgrades making players from their continent to be sent to those Medical Bays only. Kidou helped with the paperwork and forms for that as Haizaki fully felt better and got a lot of experiences out of it really.

He shared it since it's not fair for him to be higher than them until Kidou explained his level and how long he has been doing this was enough to make Haizaki to share with Aoki and Norika only really. Haizaki has the rarer ability to share any kind of amount of experiences to his party members only.

Haruna decline since she'll level up with her brother only really since they have the sibling-bond experience sharer for siblings only. Aoki and Norika might get the soulmate-bond experience sharer one once all soulmates are found really.

Haizaki likes that as that's double the experiences between them. His is in both Demonic Lord and human form, but Kidou checks and saw it's because Haizkai is a rare Demonic Lord which just fully confuses everyone really by that one.

"Demonic Lords are a race of Demonic beings and they have different elements to them and terrain. Haizaki has wood, fire and wind with a bit of ice, lightning and water. Wood is his soccer element, but fire is from his mount with lightning from his familiar and wind to boost his fire powers.

Ice is a combination of wind and water and water is to drown the earth and loosing the very earth enough to cause trees to fall fully down, sandslides, increase in the water volumes and cause lots of floods. Demonic Lords don't get those elements all together.

Haizaki is the Demonic Lord of Disasters. With the wind, he can even cause a lot of them, but water... Please promise me you won't cause a tsunami to happen unless you have a very much good reason, Haizaki. I never fully mentioned it cause I need you to promise me."

"Ha! I'll cause it if they think they have the very right to my lover and then drown them! Only males to share her with me are her other two soulmates!" Aoki blushes as she steals a kiss from him and she hugs him.

"My Demonic Lord is so powerful." Now Haizaki's turn to blush which was making Kidou to chuckles at him really.

"She has you there really, Haizaki."

"Shut up, baka!" Haizkai shouts as he holds her closer to his chest and he calms since Aoki had never cared about anything fully, but him really.

'I won't lose her. Ever.'

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