Chapter 11

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Vanessa's POV:

I opened my eyes. It was still dark and I looked down. Madelaine was gone. I sighed and sat up. Just then the door opened and she slowly walked in.

"Hey baby where'd you go?" I asked.

"Sorry love just went for my run and didn't want to wake you," she said. She walked over and got back under the covers. I put my head on her as she cuddled into my side. I inhaled her scent and smiled. I love her.

"I love you," I whispered. I felt her smile against my chest and she looked up at me.

"I love you," she said. She kissed my jaw line and then laid back down. I closed my eyes just listening to the soft sound of her breathing. In, out, in, out, in, and out. I felt myself drifting.

"Good morning," someone said. I opened my eyes and Madelaine was smiling at me. Her beautiful brown eyes and her soft plump lips were still relaxed from the sleep. I sat there admiring her plump lips and sharp cheek bones. She was absolutely perfect. I was snapped out of my trance by her lips on mine.

"Hi," I whispered against her lips.

"Hi," she said back. She rolled off of me and out of bed.

"Hey that's not fair," I complained. I grabbed her hips and tried to pull her back to bed but she wiggled out of my grip. I frowned and pulled the blankets over my head.

"Baby don't do that," she whined. I heard her sigh and walk closer to me. "Okay I'm going to give you to the count of 3 before I take matters into my own hands," she said. I furrowed my brows and tightened my grip on the covers.

"1," she started

"2," continued dragging it out. She sighed before continuing.

"3," all of a sudden her hands found their way to my sides and she started to tickle me. This wasn't fair she knew that that was my weakness. I started to squirm until my hands freed the covers. She pulled them down and I giggled.

"No fair," I complained. I didn't really mind it because I loved the way she always knew how to cheer me up. She leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"I win," she laughed before gently pulling me out of bed. I sat up and stood there admiring the beautiful girl I got to call my girlfriend. Madelaine bent down and one of her curls fell from behind her ear. She gently sighed and tucked it back. I loved the little things about her. The way she smiles and her eyes light up like a little kid. And the way she treats the people that she cares about. She was perfect.

Before I knew it my lips were on hers. I smiled into the kiss knowing that the woman on the other end of the kiss was going to be there. She was going to have my children and I loved her with my whole heart. I felt her pull away.

"I love you," she whispered against my lips.

"I love you too," I answered. I kissed her again before pulling away. I got dressed and we headed towards the dining hall for breakfast. When we got there I opened the door for Madelaine. She smiled and walked in in front of me. She grabbed my hand and we walked to the table.

After breakfast we were about to go to electives when Sam called an emergency meeting. She hurried everyone into the lodge and locked the doors. I looked around. Something was off. She rushed us to get into the corner and crouch down. I looked at Madelaine who looked terrified. We sat down and I pulled her into my chest. I rubbed her back and kissed her head. I looked up to see Sam and the other coordinators closing the blinds. Panic was painted across their faces and everything was dark. I looked down at Madelaine. Her eyes were closed and she was shaking. We didn't even know what was going on but seeing everyone panic struck fear in all of us. I gently pulled Madelaine off of me and stood up. She grabbed my hand and tried pull me down but I needed answers. I looked down at her and gave her a reassuring smile. I gently wiggled out of her grip and walked over to Sam.

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