V- Will

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Will sat the the ping-pong table. He looked around at the other head counselors there. Percy, son of Poseidon, sat with Annabeth, daughter of Athena. Jason, son of Zeus, sat with Piper, daughter of Aphrodite. Clarrise, daughter of Ares, was arguing with the Stoll brothers, sons of Hermes. Clovis, son of Hypnos, was in the corner dowsing off and Butch, son of Iris, was sitting next to him trying to keep him awake. Then there was Nico. Will couldn't help but smile every time he saw Nico. He had heard Nico in his room before he knocked. He had called him attractive. That just made Will feel warm inside. Nico looked up at met eyes with Will. Both blushed. Will looked away before Nico could see him blush.

"Okay. So I think that we all want to know the reason for this meeting." Lou Ellen, daughter of Hacate, spoke up. Chiron was in his human form. He looked worried.

"Coach Hedge was out in the mortal world after some demigods. I called you all because there are three of them." Chiron looked around waiting for a reaction. Most of them were just shocked at the fact that there were three in one house. "What frightens me is that they all have a different godly parent but, they all came from the same household." That's when all the commotion began. All at once they all began to ask things like 'How is that possible?' and 'Is that possible?' No one seemed to notice when the door opened and Coach Hedge entered. Chiron raised his hands in silence. Everyone became quiet.

"They're here." Chiron looked at the door. "Come on in kids." In walked a guy carrying a small kid in his shoulders and holding hands with a young girl. For a moment there was silence. Then the guy spoke up.

"Okay. So I'm just going to break the ice. My name is Zackary Puentes, or just Zack. This is my sister, Janet Ponce, and my little brother, Christopher Puentes, or Chris." Zack put Chris down from his shoulders.

"Hi Zack." Percy stood up and shook his hand. Then Janet's and then Chris'. "I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood." After quick introductions Percy sat down.

Janet spoke up. "I'm just curious. Are all of you children of the gods?" They all shook their heads. "And I suppose that my brothers and I are also children of the gods?" They all nodded again.

"The only problem is that we don't know which gods are your parents." Chiron spoke. "Do you guys have any idea or is there anything that you guys can tell us that would help us?"

"Well, on our way here Coach said that one of our parents had blessed our travel, making us get here faster. Hermes." Zack explained. "Hermes is a guy. So he has to be either my dad or my brothers dad."

"Why only yours or your brother's? Why not Janet's?" Piper asked.

"My sister has a mortal father. She's my half sister." Zack explained.

"So I guess we have to wait to see which on of you guys is our brother." Connor Stoll spoke up. Suddenly they all gasped. They were all looking at Chris.

"Zack. Why are they looking at me?" Chris pulled on Zack's shirt but he was looking at the symbol above his head. Chris looked up. "What's that?" The symbol was a staff with two intertwined snakes. A caduceus. The symbol of Hermes.

"It's a caduceus. The symbol for Hermes." Zack picked up Chris. "Your dad is Hermes, Chris. No wonder you're so mischievous." Zack began to laugh.

"Well, Chris. I guess it's time to meet your new brothers and sisters." Chiron said.

"New brothers and sisters?" Chris looked surprised. "Zack! We have new brothers and sisters!" Zack smiled.

"No Chris. You have new brothers and sisters. Remember when mom told us that we had different dads? Well, Your dad is Hermes. And Hermes has more kids. So that means that you have brothers and sisters that aren't mine." Zack explained. The Connor brothers stood up and walked up to Chris.

"Hey Chris, you want to go meet them?" Travis asked.

"Yeah, we have some cookies and milk back at the cabin. You hungry?" Connor added. Chris looked at Zack, asking for approval. Zack glanced at the Stoll brothers and then at Chiron who just nodded his head.

"It's okay Chris. Go ahead. I'll see you later okay?" Chris ran to Connor and they walked out of the room. Then he addressed Travis. "Hey, Travis right? Take care of Chris okay?"

Travis grinned. "Don't worry bro. I got this, he's not the only young kid in our cabin." and with that Travis followed his brother.

"Chiron. I think that we should give them a tour as well. At least until we find out who their parents are." Annabeth said.

"You're right. Um.. Lance can give Zack the tour and Leah can give Janet the tour. Okay?" Asked Chiron. The campers nodded in agreement. Soon after the four left Chiron dismissed the meeting. Nico stood up and began to leave.

"Oh no you don't Death Boy. You have to get back to the infirmary." Will grabbed Nico by the hand. A spark passed through them. Will noticed Nico blushing as they touched.

"I know. That's where I was going." Nico told Will. "And stop calling me Death Boy or else."

"Or else what Death Boy? You know that you can't do any Underworld-y stuff." Will smiled at Nico.

"Or else I'll start calling you Sunshine." Nico responded. Will smiled at the name.

"Sure why not. I don't mind Death Boy. The name is actually nice." Will pulled Nico by the hand out the door.

"Are you going to be holding my hand the whole time?" Nico asked trying not to blush.

"Why? You afraid of what others might think?" Will asked suspiciously.

"Won't people assume wrong things about you? Holding hands with a guy?"

"Don't worry Death Boy. People are always assuming." Will smiled at Nico and pulled him out the front door.

"Okay Sunshine. You're the doctor." Nico said. Will just smiled at that name. He began to feel warm again.

Willco/Solangelo: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now