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I arrived home after spending a little more time with Chris. He's really a sweetheart. My mother was out back, smoking in our patio.

"Ma". I said lowly.

"Where you been?".

"My f-friends house".my mother raised her eye brow.

"Eto? Te fìlos?". She stated her Greek ancient escaping her lips.

"Ma mólis ená filós".I replied

"Kalýtera an mīn eìnìa éna agóri".

"Adeías kykloforìas den iremìso!". I shouted aggravated.

"Èto ò , tì paeì sto domátió sas!". I huffed at her, not believing me and went to my room as told. I decided to draw. I didn't exactly know what I was drawing, I just thought I would 'let my creative juices flow'. I reached into the navy blue Hollister box that held my pencils, and grabbed my 4H prismacolor pencil, and my kneeded eraser. I reached in my art drawer and grabbed my sketch book.

I caressed the gritted paper with the light pencil led. Once I was finished I accented my drawing with a few sharpies accentuating certain details. I drew a women's head. The crown of her head was up, like when you open a can and part of the lid is still attached. It shows her head contains her brain, which is a vibrant rainbow. Juice spills over the sides, as the gears in the distance turn. Her face concealed in swirls of sorts. I call it 'letting my creative juices flow'. I placed everything neatly back in there place and went to the bathroom. I washed my face with xout feeling the chemicals burn my inflamed acne wounds, and brushed my teeth. I gathered my hair up into a sloppy bun and went to go lay down. I finally drifted off to sleep


I woke up feeling drowsy. I got up to go wash my face and brush my teeth once again. My vision blurred as I felt myself fall. Shit. I blinked a few times and regained my balance. I mushed my dry mouth around tasting the nastiness inside.

After I was done with my high gene I took my hair out of its bun and blow dried it so it was straight. I threw on a Grey sweatshirt, my black to Grey jeans, and some Grey Jordan 1s.  I grabbed my backpack and headed out. The cold breeze hit my face and I shivered. I wasn't wearing a shirt underneath my sweat jacket so I was freezing. This is Florida why the fuck is it cold? I guess I'm just use to higher temperatures then 60°.

I heard a door creak behind me, and I turned around seeing Christopher walking down his drive way. He glanced at me then at the ground. "Chris!". I shouted loud enough for him to here. He didn't look up. I sighed and ran over to him.

"Christopher what's wrong?". He mumbled something I couldn't here.

"Excuse me?".

"I dont wanna go to school! I didn't take my medicine and im scared somethings gonna happen". He stated.

"Why didn't you take it?". I whispered.

"My anit- psychotic pills haven't come yet, with my bipolar pills I can keep my moods swings at normal, but other urges, I get strong sexual urges, I get urges to just stop functioning".

"I'm sorry Chris". Was all I said.


It was lunch and I sat by my friend jasmine. She was cute trini girl. She had long black hair, and dark tan skin. She was very skinny but still gorgeous.

"So tell me how mr. Teal gave me and F on my algebra test?". Was the first thing she said as she sat down. I chuckled at her. "I don't know, tell me how ms. Sherwood fat self gave me a lunch detention tomorrow for my pants? She act like were not aloud to have colored pants. She told me to go to the slsc office, I was like you can shove your stupid rules up your saggy ass! Well i said that in my head". I explained. Jasmine was one of my few friends that I had made at this school. She was very out going, but I didn't know a lot of people since her parents are illegal. She doesn't have cable Internet, and can't really hang out with anyone, yet she's the happiest person I know. I can really be myself around her. She burst out into fits of laughter. "Bruh". She said in a deep voice and fell back.

Soon I saw Chris talking to some guy. The mysterious guy was in chris' face and had his finger pointed in his face shouting something. Christopher clenched his jaw and looked away.

Uh oh

I got up and walked closer as they soon drew a crowd.

"Chris you better stay your punk ass away from my girl!". The boy said.

"De'anche I ain't touch her!". Chris defended himself. De'anche I guess his name was, was a lot taller and bigger than Chris was.

"You know what!". De'anche attacked Chris with a punch to the face. Chris held his face in pain. He looked at De'anche and gave a wicked glare. Chris then punched him dead in the face knocking him out. I gasped. How could his fist hold so much power? Chris went to continue punching him until I stepped in. "Christopher calm down". I said soothingly grabbing on to his arm. He pushed me aside. I grabbed on to his shirt and dragged him with all my might away from the crowd.

"Christopher calm down". He was panting and clenching his jaw, I'm sure he was beyond pissed. I grabbed his face and held on to him. He hugged me tight, as his face lay in my chest. He cried, and cried angry tears. "FUCK!". He screamed into my chest.

"Shhhh come on let's go home". I whispered. he nodded and we both rose to our feet. He roughly wiped his face with his fore arm and grumbled things under his breath. We walked all the way to my house in silence. My mom was at work so we should be able to chill for a little bit.

"You hungry?". I asked as he plopped on my couch. He shook his head and looked down.


I'm so disappointed in myself. I tried so hard. De'anche just got on my nerves. I'm thankful for Alexis though. She sat beside me and rubbed my back soothingly. I looked her, like really looked at her. She was beautiful. Her brown eyes lightened to a yellowish color. She had little break outs here and there, but you couldn't even really tell. I smiled.

"What?". She questioned trying to conceal her smirk. I shook my head as my smile went away. I noticed that I've never seen her dad. Wonder where he is?

"Hey, where's you father?". I asked


"Hey where's your father?".

I stopped breathing. I dread that question every time someone asks me it. I stared at a spot on the wall and almost broke down. I breathed in once I realized I was going light headed. I was panting at this point. I started to have a panic attack as I shook uncontrollably.

"Alexis!". I felt hands grab me and a grip around my jaw. "Look at me alexis! Calm down please". Chris pleaded. I gazed into his eyes. I furrowed my brow as he whispered to me," please calm down I don't really know what to do but I'm sorry just please calm down". I stopped all at once and grabbed on to him. He took me in his warm embrace. I cried, it was painful. He noticed me crying and sat me on his lap as I was know straddling him. I tucked my face into his neck as he rocked us back and fourth. "Please don't ask me that". I begged.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bring up your fa-". I cut him off.

"Just shut up please". I breathed out. He chuckled and nodded his head. I kept having flash backs. This was bad.

Very bad.

(Her mom and her were basically having an argument, her mom said,"what friend?". And Alexis said ,"just a friend ma chill". And her mom said ,"it better not be a boy". And Alexis responded ,"it's not ma". And her mo to her said," whatever go to your room".)

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